1. Making a Release of Banter
If you're used to doing this, it'll probably take about an hour to make a Banter release. If you hit a glitch, who knows how long it will take, so plan accordingly.
Announce in #banter that you're about to make a release so they'll stop committing code in trunk (although you may get someone who begs you for a few more minutes for a last-minute-super-risky change)
Update to the latest code svn up
- Update the NEWS file
This is one occasion where the ChangeLog file is your friend.
Keep the NEWS file mostly non-technical in nature. You don't have to add every single thing from the ChangeLog, only the things that would mean the most to end-users. Serious technical issues should be omitted from the NEWS file. Bugs (with the number), are useful however.
- Build a test tarball
Run: make distcheck
make distcheck must succeed. Do not make a release if this step fails. Take the time to fix any problems that arise. You'll thank yourself later.
Test the banter-x.y.z.tar.gz file that is generated
tar xzvf banter-x.y.z cd banter-x.y.z ./configure --prefix=/tmp/banter-x.y.z make make install /tmp/banter-x.y.z/bin/banter (this should run banter w/o issues)
If everything worked in the test tarball, commit the NEW news file (updating the ChangeLog file at the same time).
- Build the official tarball
Run: make distcheck
- Good idea to test this tarball too
- Tag the code in SVN
svn copy svn+ssh://<username>@svn.gnome.org/svn/banter/trunk svn+ssh://<username>@svn.gnome.org/svn/banter/tags/BANTER_X_Y_Z
- The tag should be in the following format: BANTER_{MAJOR}_{MINOR}_{RELEASE}
e.g., BANTER_0_1_0
Good idea to double-check that the directories/files look fine inside of the tag: http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/banter/tags/
Bump the version one revision in configure.ac and commit it (complete with ChangeLog entry)
e.g., 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
- This allows others to start developing in trunk again
- Install the tarball on master.gnome.org
md5sum banter-x.y.z (note the value, you'll use it later) scp banter-x.y.z {your-GNOME-username}@master.gnome.org:. ssh {your-GNOME-username}@master.gnome.org md5sum banter-x.y.z (make sure it matches with the MD5 on your machine) install-module banter-x.y.z (follow instructions, usually just answer Y)
If this step is successful, you should see the tar.gz and tar.bz2 appear here (after a few minutes): http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/banter/
- Send an ANNOUNCE email:
- Subject: ANNOUNCE: Banter X.Y.Z Released!
Cc: banter-list@gnome.org, gnome-announce-list@gnome.org, mono-announce-list@lists.ximian.com, telepathy@lists.freedesktop.org
- Grab the content from a previous announcement and adjust accordingly
- Make sure to mention changes that would affect packagers
Update the Download web page
- You're done! WHEW!