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1. Banshee: Making the Developers Smile
The following Banshee developers and contributors will accept thank yous in the form of gifts or donations as listed. You are also welcome to visit the Easy Contributions page to see if there is a project you can help out with. If you experience problems and excellent way to contribute is to report bugs, or retesting old bugs.
Alan McGovern (Works on hardware support specifically portable players) http://www.amazon.co.uk/wishlist/HFQ6GSDG3OSC
Alexander Kojevnikov (Core developer, genre browser) http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/1RJ8WMVMEAIGF
Alex Launi (Hardware, Usability, Punditry, Interface, performance) http://amzn.com/w/KHO4LOXNWYCL
Raimo Radczewsku (Extensions Developer, e.g. Random By Lastfm, has expressed interest in the state of Banshee on Windows) http://www.amazon.de/wishlist/13DHFIEXDSISP
David Nielsen (Random cleanups, Bug triaging and Propaganda, bug reporting documentation) http://www.amazon.co.uk/wishlist/1CPQ09P9XLEA1