1. Obtaining logs
An important note is that Banshee occasionally will fail to start due to it detecting and existing instance of it running. Therefore having safely exited Banshee, it is a good idea to start all log procedures by running:
killall banshee
2. Obtaining a debug log
Obtain a debug log by running the following or if/as recommended in your bug report otherwise:
Open a terminal and type:
cd ~; banshee --debug 2>&1 | tee banshee-debug-log.txt
Mac OS X:
cd /; /Applications/Banshee.app/Contents/MacOS/Banshee --debug 2>&1 | tee ~/Downloads/banshee-debug-log.txt
Reproduce your problem and exit banshee and attach the resulting banshee-debug-log.txt to your bug report
(the banshee-debug-log.txt will be in the base of your home directory)
3. Obtaining a database debug log
This type of log is typically only needed for suspected performance problems and warnings in the log regarding slow commands. Please do not collect and attach this type of log unless specifically asked for a database debug log rather than a debug log.
Obtain a Debug Log as above and separately (on account of the output verbosity) please run:
Open a terminal and type:
cd ~; banshee --debug --debug-sql 2>&1 | tee banshee-database-debug-log.txt
Mac OS X:
cd /; /Applications/Banshee.app/Contents/MacOS/Banshee --debug --debug-sql 2>&1 | tee ~/Downloads/banshee-database-debug-log.txt
Reproduce your problem and exit banshee and attach the resulting banshee-database-debug-log.txt to your bug report
If this is larger than 1MB, please compress the file before attaching it.
(the banshee-database-debug-log.txt will be in the base of your home directory)