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Yelp supports MathML in both Mallard and DocBook documents. In both cases, you can use MathML both inline and as a block element. In Mallard, you can use Mallard's internal linking mechanism on MathML elements.

Yelp uses the MathJax library to support MathML in all modern browsers and browser engines. The default output of the Yelp XSLT uses The Yelp viewer bundles a subset of MathJax, allowing it to display MathML in its embedded WebKit viewer without using the network.


To add MathML to a Mallard document, use an mml:math element in any block or inline context. Yelp automatically sets the display attribute of the output mml:math element according to context, even overriding any source value.

You can use the namespaced mal:xref attribute on any MathML element to link to another page in the same document.

Added in 3.8.


To add MathML to a DocBook document, use an mml:math element inside an equation element (4 or 5), informalequation element (4 or 5), or inlineequation element (4 or 5). Or, in DocBook 5 only, use an mml:math element inside an imagedata element with the format attribute set to "mathml".

An mml:math element is considered a block element if it occurs in an equation or informalequation element, or if it occurs in an imageobject element in a mediaobject element. An mml:math element is considered inline if it occurs in an inlineequation element, or if it occurs in an imageobject element in an inlinemediaobject element. Yelp automatically sets the display attribute of the output mml:math element accordingly, even overriding any source value.

Added in 3.8.

Apps/Yelp/Features/MathML (last edited 2013-11-18 19:27:55 by ShaunMcCance)