Attachment 'InsertDateTime.cs'


   1 using System;
   3 using Mono.Unix;
   5 using Gtk;
   6 using Tomboy;
   8 [PluginInfo(
   9 	"Insert Date/Time", Defines.VERSION,
  10 	PluginInfoAttribute.OFFICIAL_AUTHOR,
  11 	"Inserts current date and time at the cursor position.",
  12 	WebSite = ""
  13 	)]
  14 public class InsertDateTimePlugin : NotePlugin
  15 {
  16 	Gtk.MenuItem item;
  18 	protected override void Initialize ()
  19 	{
  20 		item = new Gtk.MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("Insert date and time"));
  21 		item.Activated += OnMenuItemActivated;
  22 		item.Show ();
  23 		AddPluginMenuItem (item);
  24 	}
  26 	protected override void Shutdown ()
  27 	{
  28 		item.Activated -= OnMenuItemActivated;
  29 	}
  31 	protected override void OnNoteOpened ()
  32 	{
  33 	}
  35 	void OnMenuItemActivated (object sender, EventArgs args)
  36 	{
  37 		string format = Catalog.GetString ("dddd, MMMM d, h:mm tt");
  38 		string text = DateTime.Now.ToString (format);
  40 		NoteBuffer buffer = Note.Buffer;
  41 		Gtk.TextIter cursor = buffer.GetIterAtMark (buffer.InsertMark);
  42 		buffer.InsertWithTagsByName (ref cursor, text, "datetime");
  43 	}
  44 }

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