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Building Tomboy on Windows

As of version 0.13.0, Tomboy successfully builds under Windows.

1. Prerequisites

Please set these up by following the Instructions for installing a Tomboy Windows release

2. Getting the Tomboy source code

2.1. Working with git

The Tomboy source is kept in Git. It's recommended that you use the latest code from the repository when making changes to the project, as this will allow the developers to more easily apply your changes and improvements to the project.

Stand-alone git clients exist for Windows, such as TortoiseGit which integrates into Windows Explorer. This requires you to first install Git for Windows. When installing Git for Windows, make sure you choose the following options:

There are other git clients (CLI and GUI) for Windows, just search using your preferred search engine.

Github has a nice guide for getting started with git, including instructions for using git GUI tools.

If using the command line version of git, you can get the source with:

 git clone

If you have a GitHub account and intend to contribute changes, use the following:

  git clone https://[login]

3. Building

Tomboy will build in various versions of Microsoft Visual Studio the latest one is VS2015 Community Edition, which can be downloaded from Microsoft page for Visual Studio. It also works well in SharpDevelop and MonoDevelop (Xamarin Studio on Windows).

Depending on which IDE you are using, you may not be able to open the project for the installer, and may be presented with an error that Setup.wixproj cannot be opened. This can be safely ignored unless you plan to do work on the Windows installer.

Open the Tomboy.sln file and Build the solution. This should create a runnable executable. Press F5 to run your newly-built Tomboy!

Submitting Patches

Before submitting patches, please read the following:

  1. CodingGuidelines

  2. HowToSubmitPatches


If any of this doesn't work for you, feel free to get in touch with the developers on IRC: #tomboy on or join the Mailing List

2024-10-23 10:58