Multi User Dungeon client
Allows you to play Multi User Dungeon games
Our goal is to make Mud feature rich while still maintaining usability. Here are some of the things in Mud right now:
- 256 Color Support plus the standard ECMA-48 (ANSI) colors.
- Mud Sound Protocol - Mud can play sound effects and music on MSP enabled servers.
- MCCPv2 support.
- Triggers and Aliases with perl compatible regular expressions.
- Internalization - Comes with many translations and handles character sets properly on non-ISO-8859-1 (latin1) muds.
- SOCKS Proxy Support - Versions 4 and 5.
- Multiple mud connections.
- Separate input history for each connection.
- Profiles - Each Mud can have it's own preference settings.
- RFC compliant telnet implementation - You should never notice this but it ensures things run smooth.