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Comparison with Safari

(As requested by Piers Cornwall)

In Safari, spell-checking has three modes.


  1. The interactive mode ("Spelling…"), with a floating window for changing/ignoring/learning words.


  2. The passive mode ("Check Spelling"), which gives apparently-misspelled words in the focused field a dotted red underline, and does nothing else.

  3. The automatic mode ("Check Spelling as You Type"), which gives newly-typed apparently-misspelled words in any field a dotted red underline.

This is probably unnecessarily complicated; I didn't understand the difference between the options until I tested them to write this. -- MatthewPaulThomas

Suggested design for Epiphany

A section of two items in the Edit menu:

The first item opens a floating window for operating on apparent misspellings in the current page, starting from the beginning of the currently-focused field. The second is a toggle for applying a dotted underline to apparent misspellings in any field, both now and in the future.

2024-10-23 10:58