Vinagre Roadmap
Plans for GNOME 3.4
Add a minimal view where most of the UI is hidden
Make the screenshot tool more useful (additionally, asynchronous writing support would be nice)
Add support for libvncclient to improve VNC support (keep the old gtk-vnc support around in case there are regressions)
Improve .vnc file support, including documentation on the file format
Improve bookmark support to allow editing and deletion of bookmarks, connecting to a bookmark from the command-line and exporting of bookmarks from the UI
Add the ability to connect to Unix domain sockets
Use libssh rather than the command-line ssh client
Implement some of the ideas from GNOME desktop sharing/virtualisation design mockups
Archived plans
Plans for GNOME 3.2
Redesign the UI (at least try to obey the HIG, make the first-run dialog more friendly and fix the preferences)
Integrate the plugin code directly into Vinagre, and drop plugin support Mostly done, although the im-status plugin needs to be rewritten and added back.
Drop the panel applet
- Review for best-practice usage of GTK+ 3 and GSettings
Drop the bookmarks pane, and instead use the menu
1. What are your plans for GNOME 2.24 (next 4 months, before feature and UI freezes)?
- Redesign bookmarks, allowing folders and showing avahi-discovered machines automatically, both in side panel and in bookmarks menu
- Better fullscreen mode - leaving fullscreen in a more intuitive way
- Send custom keys (like ctrl-alt-del) to the server
- Single instance, and possibility to open connections in a new window (just like Gedit does)
- Panel applet, giving quick access to bookmarked and avahi-discovered connections
- Control the properties of a connection (like depth color, read-only mode, etc)
- Import / Export bookmarks
- Miscellaneous feature requests, and bug fixing
2. What are your plans for GNOME 2.26?
- Support for RDP (Microsoft Terminal Services) connections
3. Do you have plans for a future release?
- Yes, some kind of integration with instant messengers, to allow the desktop sharing easily. Requires some work on vino too, I guess.
4. Do you have any goals from 2.22 that were not achieved? Why?
- No, since this is the first version of Vinagre in GNOME.
5. Is there something that is really missing in our infrastructure or platform that would help you?
6. Do you have plans to work on other modules not maintained by you? What are they?
- Yes, I really would love to work on other modules, but unfortunately I don't have enough time. So, I prefer to help here and there, and work on non-coding activities, like release notes.
7. Do you have any GNOME-wide goals suggestions for the next releases?
- I think we should have a 'people' framework, and a concept of 'my status'. For instance, if my status now is 'Busy', My IM status automatically switches to it and I don't get any notification from any program. If I watch a fullscreen video, my status would change to 'Busy', and so on...
- Also, I think we should work hard to get rid of obsolete technologies, like Bonobo.
- As a side effect, we would have a better API to panel applets.