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tomboy-ng on Windows

Windows binaries are available from our Github release repository.

Tomboy-ng is available in both 32bit and 64bit versions and has been tested on Windows 7 and Windows 10.

At present, all you can download is a zipped binary, there will be a proper Install Kit available some time in the future. For now, download the appropriate Zip file, unzip and put the (eg tomboy-ng64.exe) binary somewhere suitable, or even your Desktop. You will probably get a warning from Windows Defender (or other protective software) that this application is from an Unknown Publisher and might be dangerous. It might be too but not deliberatly so. Click More Info" and the "Run Anyway".

At present (have you spotted the pattern yet ?), indicating its Testing Status, tomboy-ng asks you where to find any existing note files but you can now, instead, press "Use Default Notes Location". If you have tomboy notes, you could use the default directory and either manually copy your (probably %APPDATA%\Tomboy\notes\) Tomboy notes there or use File Sync from a location you have already synced your Tomboy notes to.

2024-10-23 10:58