Tomboy on Windows
Please follow these instructions to install/upgrade Tomboy on Windows:
Old Stuff
October 20, 2008: Preview 0.13.0 builds available here: . I will no longer be updating this wiki page; it is just for historical purposes now.
October 12, 2008: tomboy-portable2 branch was merged into trunk. Everything on this page is now obsolete. Tomboy 0.13.0 will be supported on Windows, with an installer, etc. Currently buildable in Visual Studio or SharpDevelop.
September 2, 2008: New tomboy-portable2 branch will be merged into trunk after we branch for 0.12.0. It has a Visual Studio solution and runs fairly well on Windows! See Sandy's blog post for details.
March 29, 2008: Cross-platform Tomboy is the focus for the next Tomboy release, 0.12.0 (possibly 1.0). Anyone interested in helping is welcome to join us! Please see Tomboy/DevMeetingZeroPointTwelve and Tomboy/RoadMap.
August 15, 2007: Tomboy on Windows is definitely not happening for 0.8.0. I've been busy with note synchronization and nobody else has volunteered. We have not discussed plans for 0.10.0, but speaking for myself I doubt I'll have much time to work on it. We'd be very interested in contributions from the community. Feel free to bug us on the tomboy-list or on IRC in #tomboy. --SandyArmstrong
February 27, 2007: For those who don't know, a few weeks ago we started a tomboy-portable branch in SVN. A main goal of the branch is to refactor Tomboy in such a way that creating and maintaining ports (like this one) is easier. Personally, I'd like to see side-by-side supported Linux/Win32 releases of Tomboy starting with 0.8.0. But here's the roadmap:
Now - Refactor Tomboy so that platform-specific code is isolated and 'swappable'. Code lives in tomboy-portable branch.
3/14/2007 - 0.6.0 for Linux is released. Assuming the changes in tomboy-portable are accepted by the Tomboy maintainers, get those changes merged into the trunk. It would be really nice to get this in before feature work for 0.7.x begins.
Then - Once tomboy-portable is merged into the 0.7.x series, provide 'experimental' platform-neutral implementation that should run on Linux and Win32. Provide binaries for Win32.
So with any luck, I'll have a much-improved Win32 port available in late March. Thanks for your patience. --SandyArmstrong
February 3, 2007: The Tomboy port provided here will not work with Mono 1.2.3. This is actually due to some fixes in Mono 1.2.3 that will really improve Tomboy on Windows once I update the port. I plan to have something ready for release alongside Tomboy 0.6.0 and GNOME 2.18 (March 14, 2007). Until then, if you are using Tomboy on Windows, stick with Mono < 1.2.3. Thanks! --SandyArmstrong
June 25, 2007: There is now a "tomboy-win32" branch in GNOME CVS. --SandyArmstrong
- Much of the work represented here is original code by Dmitry Kostenko