This page is outdated. See Apps/Tomboy/Synchronization for the current implementation.
As described on the PlaceForNewIdeas:Synchronization page, there are already a few efforts that have been started to provide sharing/synchronization of Tomboy notes. There are so many, which one do we use?
As I met different people at Boston2006, something that came up a lot was something like this:
"I used to use Tomboy, but since I have 2+ computers, it's really hard. I'll create a note and then forget which computer I created it on. When I try to get to the note, I'll realize it's on my other computer."
- Make it easy to share/publish notes to people nearby
- It should work right out of the box without having to install extra software
- Make Tomboy more desirable for people who use more than one computer
- Define a clear direction for Tomboy note sharing/synchronization
- iFolder, Conduit, Tomboy Server, etc? Let's pick one and work towards it.
Phased Approach
Start simple and work our way up.
1. Phase 1 - Note Sharing
- Using Mono.Zeroconf (local subnet only)
- One-time download (no synchronization...that comes later in Phase 2)
- Do something simple like OS X's iTunes/iPhoto
- Someone can "volunteer" to add Avahi solution (could #ifdef similar to how Banshee works)
2. Phase 2 - Note Synchronization
- Using Mono.Zeroconf (local subnet only)
- Be able to connect your computers on the same subnet together
- Changes made on any of the computers should be synchronized around to all the other "participating" computers
3. Phase 3 - Sharing and Synchronization via the Internet
- Break past the subnet barrier
- Connect with a Tomboy Server or other service (Google Notes?)
- Critical for people who have computers that are NOT on the same subnet (i.e., a computer at home and a computer at work)
Related Pages
Tomboy/NoteSharing/PhaseOne - Phase 1 Details
Tomboy/NoteSharing/PhaseTwo - Phase 2 Details
Tomboy/NoteSharing/PhaseThree - Phase 3 Details