Tomboy Dev Meeting for Planning 0.12.0 release
1. Highlights of Meeting (rough)
- Big focus of next release will be going cross-platform (Mac and Windows).
- Also interested in adding support for attaching files to notes (ie, to support the sketching addin).
- Lots of bugs to take care of, too. The next release should be well-polished and rock solid.
- Once all of this work is done, Tomboy is ready to be called 1.0. It may take more than one cycle to do this.
2. Work Interests
(these aren't assignments per se, just areas that people have expressed an interest in)
- Killing libegg (stefanc)
- Rewriting printing code to use gtkprint (stefans)
- Note attachments (jtickle)
- Figuring out how best to support sync on Windows...may involve gio/gvfs (Jc2k and nightm4re)
Of course, Boyd and Sandy are very interested in bugfixing and helping with the cross-platform work. There's plenty of work to go around if you're interested in joining in!
3. Original Meeting Plan
4. IRC Log
5. Schedule Preview
The complete GNOME 2.24 schedule can be found here: TwoPointTwentythree
Some of the important dates are:
Apr 21, 2008: GNOME 2.23.1 Tarballs Due (First unstable release)
Jul 21, 2008: GNOME 2.23.5 Tarballs Due (String Change Announcement Period Begins)
Jul 28, 2008: API/ABI Freeze
Aug 04, 2008: Feature Freeze
Aug 18, 2008: UI Freeze
Sep 01, 2008: String Freeze
Sep 15, 2008: Hard Code Freeze