Tomboy Dev Meeting for Planning 0.12.0 release
1. Who
Anyone! Everyone! This is not limited to those scruffy-looking Tomboy hackers. We want to stay on task during the meeting, but seriously, if you'd like to participate, just listen, or whatever, come along!
2. Where
#tomboy on
3. When?
Thursday, 27 March 2008, 12:00 PDT (19:00 GMT)
People planning to attend (you don't have to add your name here, but if you can, let us know you'll be there):
BoydTimothy, SandyArmstrong, Arief Bayu Purwanto, ...?
4. Tomboy 0.10 Postmortem
4.1. Successes
- Notebooks
4.2. Drawbacks
- Mono.Addins upgrade issues
4.3. Improvements
What can we do better this time?
- ??
5. Proposed Features for Tomboy 0.12 (GNOME 2.24)
- Most Annoying Bugs
- Are there important bugs we should focus on before we start focusing on new features?
- Cross-platform release (deployable on Mac OS X and Windows)
- Apply stefanc's gtkstatusicon patch
Other changes mentioned in Tomboy/Win32/Refactoring (some already prototyped in tomboy-portable branch)
- Sync requires FUSE and has many linux-isms
- Potential linux-isms in addins
- Attachments (like images for the sketching addin)
6. Other Items
- ??
7. Schedule Preview
The complete GNOME 2.24 schedule can be found here: TwoPointTwentythree
Some of the important dates are:
Apr 21, 2008: GNOME 2.23.1 Tarballs Due (First unstable release)
Jul 21, 2008: GNOME 2.23.5 Tarballs Due (String Change Announcement Period Begins)
Jul 28, 2008: API/ABI Freeze
Aug 04, 2008: Feature Freeze
Aug 18, 2008: UI Freeze
Sep 01, 2008: String Freeze
Sep 15, 2008: Hard Code Freeze