Tomboy Dev Meeting for Planning 0.10.0 release
1. Who
Anyone! Everyone! This is not limited to those scruffy-looking Tomboy hackers. We want to stay on task during the meeting, but seriously, if you'd like to participate, just listen, or whatever, come along!
2. Where
#tomboy on
3. When?
Tuesday, 25 September 2007, 13:00 PST
People planning to attend (you don't have to add your name here, but if you can, let us know you'll be there):
4. Tomboy 0.8 Postmortem
4.1. Successes
- Gained an awesome and passionate additional maintainer. Welcome aboard Sandy!
- Got Hack Week time to churn through note synchronization
- Others?
4.2. Drawbacks
- Started the note synchronization a bit late in the cycle
- Perhaps didn't focus on bugfixing as much as we should have? Does anyone else feel this way?
- Others?
4.3. Improvements
What can we do better this time?
- Begin large features early or figure out a way to have them span multiple releases
5. Proposed Features for Tomboy 0.10 (GNOME 2.22)
- Most Annoying Bugs
- Are there important bugs we should focus on before we start focusing on new features?
- Addins don't always load when configuration has changed. We ought to track that one down.
- Tasks
- Do we want to keep this feature going?
- Any ideas on how to synchronize these around in note sync?
- Tie in with Evolution Data Server?
- Tagging
- Need to re-enable the UI
- Briefly discuss in-progress UI enhancement
- This is a start at modeling the tagging mechanism Epiphany uses
- What other features could we build based on tagging?
- Bulk export operations from the search window based on tags
- Others? Please suggest here!
- Sync
- Auto/background sync
- Tag-based sync rules
- Conduit integration
- Online Desktop integration
- Revamp note renaming behavior (make updating referencing notes optional, warn user before doing it)
- Scalability
- Deal with a large number of notes (to reduce memory consumption and search times)
- Can we make any changes to the event propagation (eg. during note renames)
- Perhaps start maintaining some sort of an index of notes in a file/etc.
Why load NoteAddins at startup that are useless until note is opened? Let's add a NoteWindowAddin that is only instantiated for open notes.
6. Other Items
- At what point will Tomboy be considered "1.0"? (Answering this question helps us consider big picture "where are we going with Tomboy?" questions) Alternatively, should we adopt GNOME version numbering?
Coding standards. Ever since we started using MonoDevelop we have strayed from Tomboy/CodingGuidelines, specifically with regard to tabbing. Should we change the guidelines or our MonoDevelop settings? This is sometimes a pain when processing patches.
I'd recommend we just adopt entirely (i.e., don't have any exceptions to the rule like we currently do). Does anyone want to volunteer to clean up the code? -BoydTimothy
7. Schedule Preview
The complete GNOME 2.22 schedule can be found here: TwoPointTwentyone
Some of the important dates are:
Oct 29, 2007: GNOME 2.21.1 Tarballs Due (First unstable release)
Dec 17, 2007: GNOME 2.21.4 Tarballs Due (String Change Announcement Period Begins)
Jan 07, 2008: API/ABI Freeze
Jan 14, 2008: Feature Freeze
Jan 28, 2008: UI Freeze
Feb 11, 2008: String Freeze
Mar 03, 2008: Hard Code Freeze