Tomboy Dev Meeting for Planning 1.2 release
1. Who
Anyone! Everyone! This is not limited to those scruffy-looking Tomboy hackers. We want to stay on task during the meeting, but seriously, if you'd like to participate, just listen, or whatever, come along!
2. Where
3. When?
October 8, 2009, 12:30 PDT (19:30 UTC)
People planning to attend (you don't have to add your name here, but if you can, let us know you'll be there):
SandyArmstrong ...?
4. Tomboy 1.0 Postmortem
4.1. Successes
- Completed web sync add-in, now just need to finish Snowy so we can launch Tomboy Online
- Faster startup
Two brand new add-ins from community contributors (NoteDirectoryWatcher and Underline)
- Lots of bug fixing
- Continued successful support for Windows and Mac users
4.2. Drawbacks
- Still have a lot of bugs in bugzilla, a few of which really need to be addressed (renaming issues, for example)
- Didn't get to automatic background sync
- Didn't launch Tomboy Online in time
- Could still improve on memory usage
4.3. Improvements
What can we do better this time?
- Even better community management
- Bug/patch days
- Focus on better response time in bugzilla, especially for patches
- Assign work early, set goals early, better prioritization. Last cycle we had to forgo fixes for a few bugs because it was getting too late.
- Identify work that can happen in parallel
5. Proposed Features for Tomboy 1.2 (GNOME 2.30)
- Most Annoying Bugs
- Are there important bugs we should focus on before we start focusing on new features?
- Sync
- Automatic synchronization
- More work on Snowy, Tomboy Online, and social features integrated right into Tomboy
- Note sharing via Telepathy, maybe even collaborative editing
- Innovative workflow for simple task list management
- Customizable/simplified note UI
- Better OS X experience
- More memory/performance enhancements
- Your ideas?
6. Other Items
- Tomboy and gnome-shell integration brainstorming
- Update Tomboy end-user website
- Can we make it easier for users to find new add-ins? GNOME Do approach has pluses and minuses.
- We should consider rethinking Notebooks and search
- At GUADEC, one person from Collabora mentioned that it would be nice to have a way to hide sensitive notes from the UI (recent notes menu, search, etc) during demos and sharing situations
7. Schedule Preview
The complete GNOME 2.30 schedule can be found here: TwoPointTwentyseven
Some of the important dates are:
Oct 26, 2009: GNOME 2.29.1 Tarballs Due (First unstable release)
Jan 11, 2010: GNOME 2.29.5 Tarballs Due (String Change Announcement Period Begins)
Jan 25, 2010: Feature Freeze
Feb 08, 2010: UI Freeze
Feb 22, 2010: String Freeze
Mar 15, 2010: Hard Code Freeze