Gtranslator's Hackfest - GUADEC 2012
This page hosts all the information about the Gtranslator's Hackfest, which will be held in July 30 and 31.
The main target of this Hackfest is to fix several bugs in Gtranslator, a tool used to translate PO files, as well as to try to get new features.
It is not neccesary to be registered previously, but it's recommended to give notice that you will participate, in order to manage tasks properly. If you want to .collaborate with this event, please contact with Daniel Mustieles at <daniel dot mustieles at gmail dot com> or with Petr Kovar at <pmkovar at gnome dot org>.
1. Bug's list
The following list is a bugs selection taken from Bugzilla, with a short description of each one. Here you can get a full list of bugs
Search&Replace changes the fuzzy status, although string has not been modified
- Copy/Cut menu elements remain disable when selecting a text (Fixed, but needs to be reviewed)
- When searching a text, if it appears twice in the same string, only the first match is highlighted
- Crash when saving a file with errors in headers (it opens properly, but crashes with a segmentation fault error when saving it)
- Error using Undo/Redo options; selecting another message causes actions history missing
- TM doesn't recognize the difference between «...» and «…»
- Error when translating two messages with the same msgid but different msgctxt
- Searching error with two tabs opened
- Handle GDA errors properly
- List of strings jumps to the first message when starting a new translation
- Improve error messages
2. New Features
- Delete old messages
- Global spelling review
Integrate Apertium in OpenTran
- Configuration wizard doesn't show Language and Language Code lists alphabetically sorted
Integrate gtxml ( to check tags syntax in documentation files (in progress)
- Statistics dialog when creating the TM
- Integrate pology for translations proofreading