Scenarios to be tested
If you are going to test these scenarios please check all the possible details (the scenario works as expected, no warning is printed on the console, the errors are correctly managed, the UI sensitivity is correctly updated, the mime-type and the language is correctly set, the etc.) before marking it as passed.
Note that we are going to use these scenarios not only to detect bugs but also to detect unimplemented or partially implemented features.
Lists of test cases can also be found at:
Test passed: OK
We came up with the idea to use dogtail in order to automate testing processes. It seems to be easy to program. You create a python script that will perform all wanted tasks.
Gedit 2.13.90 (cvs build from 12.2.2006)
Opening a local file
- [ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (writable) file from command line
Opening a file in the current directory: gedit gedit-ui.xml->
status message ("Loading file foo.txt..."):
status bar:
- mime-type:
recent files:
- language:
- metadata:
update document menu:
- update languages menu:
- "Highlight Mode" menu:
Opening a file in an absolute location: ./gedit /opt/gnome/test_files/stack_trace_157121.txt ->
Opening a file in an absolute location: ./gedit ../../../gnome/test_files/stack_trace_157121.txt ->
Opening a file:/// URI: file:///opt/gnome/test_files/patch.txt ->
Opening a file:// URI: ./gedit file://opt/gnome/test_files/patch.txt ->
- Opening files with weird name:
./gedit /gnome/test_files/èèéé°°àà ->
./gedit file:///gnome/test_files/%C3%A8%C3%A8%C3%A9%C3%A9%C2%B0%C2%B0%C3%A0%C3%A0 ->
./gedit file:///gnome/test_files/èèéé°°àà ->
./gedit /gnome/test_files/a-file-with-%s%d%f%n-in-its-name.txt ->
/gedit file:///gnome/test_files/a-file-with-%s%d%f%n-in-its-name.txt ->
./gedit /gnome/test_files/a-file-with-#-and-#-in-its-name.txt ->
./gedit file:///gnome/test_files/a-file-with-#-and-#-in-its-name.txt ->
[ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (writable) file using the "File->Open" menu item
- Testing this test case I have found the following problems:
FIXED -> the "language" metadata is saved also when the language is automatically recognized
FIXED -> the metadata file is not saved every 2 seconds as expected
opening files with a broken file name "(invalid encoding)" is displayed. This is not a problem but there are some differences on how the file path is displayed in the status bar, in the tooltip and the in the recent files menu
FIXED -> sometimes the language is not set as expected
FIXED -> there is a problem with the Documents menu:
- run gedit
- open a file
- select the file name in the Document menu
- the status bar shows "Activate Unsaved Document 1"
FIXED (it was the gedit_utils_str_middle_truncate function not being utf-8 safe (already fixed in CVS HEAD) -> it you open twice a file with a name containing non Latin1 chars you get a problem when its name is inserted in the message area.
- Testing this test case I have found the following problems:
[ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (writable) file using the "File->Open Location" menu item
- Test with the same URI used for the test case for the command line.
problems when opening a broken uri with spaces like "./gedit /opt/gnome/test_files/stack_trace_157121.tx" (yes, with ./gedit too).
- [ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (read-only) file from command line
[ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (read-only) file using the "File->Open" menu item
[ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (read-only) file using the "File->Open Location" menu item
[ ] Verify that gedit creates a new empty document with the right name when opening a non-existing writable file from the command line
[ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate error message when opening a non-existing read-only file from the command line
[ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate error message when opening a non-existing file using the "File->Open" menu item (uses a dangling link)
[ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate error message when opening a non-existing file using the "File->Open Location" menu item
[ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate error message when opening a broken URI using the "File->Open Location" menu item
- [ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate error message when opening a directory from the command line
[ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate error message when opening a directory using the "File->Open Location" menu item
- [ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate error message when opening a non-readable file from the command line
[ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate error message when opening a non-readable file using the "File->Open" menu item
[ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate error message when opening a non-readable file using the "File->Open Location" menu item
- [ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate warning message when opening an already open file and that both the buttons in the warning message work as expected.
- [ ] Verify that gedit shows an appropriate warning message when trying to open a binary file (Should we enable the read-only opening of binary files?)
- [ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (writable) file from command line selecting a specified encoding
[ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (writable) file using the "File->Open" menu item selecting a specified encoding
[ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (writable) file using the "File->Open Location" menu item selecting a specified encoding
- [ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (read-only) file from command line selecting a specified encoding
[ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (read-only) file using the "File->Open" menu item selecting a specified encoding
[ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing (read-only) file using the "File->Open Location" menu item selecting a specified encoding
- [ ] Verify that it is possible to re-try to open a file with a specified encoding from the error message displayed by gedit when it fails to open the file due to a coversione error (when the file is open from the command line).
[ ] Verify that it is possible to re-try to open a file with a specified encoding from the error message displayed by gedit when it fails to open the file due to a coversione error (when the file is open using the "File->Open" menu item)
[ ] Verify that it is possible to re-try to open a file with a specified encoding from the error message displayed by gedit when it fails to open the file due to a coversione error (when the file is open using the "File->Open Location" menu item)
- [ ] Verify that it is possible to open an existing file from command line specifying a line number and that the view scrolls to that number
- TODO: add other scenarios
Opening a list of local files
- TODO: add scenarios
Opening a remote file
- TODO: add scenarios
Opening a list of remote files
- TODO: add scenarios
Opening a list of local and remote files
- TODO: add scenarios
Drag and drop operations
- dnd desktop icons into gedit
computer icon: FIXED
- dust bin:
- dnd nautilus icons into gedit
- dnd panel icons into gedit
- dnd other stuff into gedit