gedit LaTeX Plugin
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Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to run the plugin?
- First of all, you need gedit 3 or later.
- The plugin is written in Python and relies on Python GObject introspection.
Ensure that you have rubber installed. It is used for automated document compiling.
For the LaTeX spell checking to work you need the Enchant bindings for Python ( The according package is often called python-enchant or similar.
How do I install the plugin?
First of all download the latest release of the plugin. It contains a folder and a file that you have to copy to ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins, where ~ is your home directory. You may have to create gedit/plugins if you haven't installed any plugins, yet. After that you may restart gedit and activate the plugin in the settings dialog.
How do I trigger the code completion?
The code completion is triggered either manually by Ctrl + Space or automatically at characters like "\", "{" and "[".
The build never finishes when I use my custom build profile. What went wrong?
If you add your own tools, please remember to run all commands in batch mode so that they don't stop and ask something on the console. For the latex command you just have to add -interaction batchmode.
How do I use the inverse search in DVI files?
Per default there is a tool called LaTeX → DVI (Source Specials). If you don't see this tool, just add the following to your tools.xml:
<tool description="Create a DVI with source specials from LaTeX source" extensions=".tex" id="99" label="LaTeX → DVI (Source Specials)"> <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="LaTeXPostProcessor"> latex -interaction batchmode -src "$filename" </job> <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="LaTeXPostProcessor"> latex -interaction batchmode -src "$filename" </job> <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="GenericPostProcessor"> xdvi -unique -s 6 -bg white -editor gedit "$shortname.dvi" </job> </tool>
When you build your document using this tool, the output is opened in xdvi. If you hold <Ctrl> and left-click on an area in the output then gedit jumps to the according line in the LaTeX source.
If you want to use rubber you need to
create a shell script called latex-src in your path containing latex -src $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
create a file latex-src.rub in rubber's module directory (e.g. /usr/share/rubber/modules) that contains set program "latex-src"
create a build profile that invokes rubber with -m latex-src
Why do I get errors if I use whitespaces in filenames?
This is a bug in rubber. Robert McNees has contributed a patch ( rubber-1.1-spaces.patch ) for rubber 1.1 as a workaround. Apply it to rubber-1.1/src/rules/latex/