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External Tools Plugin Command Collection

This page contains an overview of the of third party commands for the External Tools Plugin that shipped with gedit. If you have written a command for the External Tools Plugin you can add it yourself here or send it via email to bart neeneenee de. The snippet must contain: headline, language, requirements, menu name, description, command, input, output and applicability. You can learn more about the External Tools Plugin at the gedit user manual.

Language: Any
Requires: Linkchecker (commandline tool), Zenity
Menu Name: Check Links...
Description: Check for broken Links of a Website

exec linkchecker `zenity --entry --title="Links prüfen" --width="500" --height="150" --text="Enter the URL to validate:\n " --entry-text "http://www." ` &

Input: None
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Language: Any
Requires: gURLchecker, Zenity
Menu Name: Check for broken Links of a Website
Description: Validate Links of a Website

exec gurlchecker `zenity --entry --title="Links prüfen" --width="500" --height="150" --text="Enter the URL to validate:\n " --entry-text "http://www." ` &

Input: None
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Code Snippets

Language: Any
Requires: pySnippet
Menu Name: Code Snippets
Description: Insert Code Snippets

python /usr/bin/ &

Input: None
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Comparing Files

Language: Any
Requires: Meld, Zenity
Menu Name: Compare With...
Description: Compare current document with another document

TITLE="Compare With..."
BROWSE=" browse..."
while [ -z "$FILE" ]; do
        FILE=`zenity --list --title="$TITLE" --text="$TEXT" --width=640 --height=320 --column=Documents $GEDIT_DOCUMENTS_PATH "$BROWSE"`
        if [ "$FILE" == "$BROWSE" ]; then
                FILE=`zenity --file-selection --title="$TITLE" --filename="$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_DIR/"`
        elif [ -z "$FILE" ]; then

Input: Nothing
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: Local files only

Directory listing

Language: Any
Requires: Shell
Menu Name: List current Directory
Description: List the directory of the current document


Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Environmet Variables listing

Language: Any
Requires: Shell Menu Name: List Environmet Variables Description: List the Environmet Variables of the system


Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Execute Buffer

Language: Any
Requires: python, ruby, whatever interpreter you're using
Menu Name: Execute Buffer [Python]
Description: Runs the interpreter on the current document (no save required) or the selection, if you have one. Great for testing out little things.

python /dev/stdin

Input: Current selection (default to document)
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Java compile and run

Language: Java
Requires: Java
Menu Name: Java compile and run
Description: Compile the current Java code and execute it

echo "Failed to compile"

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

C compile and run

Language: C
Requires: gcc, xterm
Menu Name: C compile and run
Description: Compile the current C code and execute it

DESU=`echo ${GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME}|cut -d "." -f 1`
xterm -hold -e ./$DESU --working-directory=$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_DIR

Input: Nothing
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Lorem Ipsum Text

Language: Any
Requires: Lorem Ipsum Generator
Menu Name: Lorem Ipsum text...
Description: Create dummy text

lorem-ipsum-generator & 

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents


Language: Octave
Requires: GNU Octave
Menu Name: Octave
Description: Execute the current Octave code

octave --silent --norc $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

PHP Code Formating

Language: PHP
Requires: PHP, PHP Pear
Menu Name: Reformat PHP code
Description: Reformat the PHP code of the current document

php_beautifier -s4 -l "ArrayNested() IndentStyles(style=bsd) NewLines(before=if:switch:while:for:foreach:function:T_CLASS:return:break,after=T_COMMENT)"

Input: Current document
Output: Create new document
Applicability: All documents


Language: Ruby on Rails (RoR)
Requires: Ruby on Rails, Ruby, Zenity
Menu Name: Rake Tasks
Description: Run Rake with selected Tasks

rake `rake --tasks --silent  | cut -d" " -f2 | zenity --list --title="Select rake task" --column="Task"` &

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Rename Files

Language: Any
Requires: PyRenamer
Menu Name: Rename files...
Description: Rename a sequence of files in the current directory

pyrenamer --root $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_DIR &

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Ruby Execute

Language: Ruby
Requires: Ruby, Zenity
Menu Name: Ruby Execute
Description: Execute current document with Ruby


Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Search/ Replace in Files

Language: Any
Requires: Regexxer
Menu Name: Search/ Replace in files...
Description: Search or Replace in files at the directory of the current document

regexxer --hidden --ignore-case --line-number --pattern=$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME   $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_DIR &

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Validate/ Optimize CSS

Language: Cascading Stylesheets CSS
Requires: CSStidy, Zenity
Menu Name: Validate/ Optimize CSS...
Description: Validate or optimize the current cascading stylesheet

zenity --question --title="Validate/ Optimize CSS" --text="Should the stylesheet file optimized too?"
case "$?" in
                exec csstidy "$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME"  --compress_colors=true --lowercase_s=true --optimise_shorthands=true --compress_font-weight=true --merge_selectors=true --template=high --discard_invalid_properties=false "$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME";;
                exec csstidy "$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME"  --compress_colors=true --lowercase_s=true --optimise_shorthands=true --compress_font-weight=true --merge_selectors=true --template=high --discard_invalid_properties=false "/tmp/$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME";;

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Validate/ Reformat XHTML Code

Language: XHTML
Requires: Tidy, Zenity
Menu Name: Validate/ Reformat XHTML code
Description: Validate or reformates the current XHTML document

zenity --question --title="Validate/ Reformat XHTML" --text="Should the XHTML file be reformated too?"
case "$?" in
                exec tidy -utf8 -i -w 80 -c -q -asxhtml "$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME";;
                exec tidy -e -utf8 -q  "$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME";;

Input: Current document
Output: Create new document
Applicability: All documents

Validate/ Reformat XML Code

Language: XML, SVG, X3D
Requires: XMLlint, Zenity
Menu Name: Validate/ Reformat XML code
Description: Validate or reformates the current XML document

zenity --question --title="Prüfen auf valides XML" --text="Soll das XML-Dokument auch formatiert werden?"
case "$?" in
                xmllint --postvalid --format --dtdattr $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_DIR/$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME;;
                xmllint --postvalid --dtdattr --noout  $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_DIR/$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME;;

Input: Current document
Output: Create new document
Applicability: All documents

Validate PHP Code

Language: PHP
Requires: PHP
Menu Name: Validate PHP code
Description: Validate the PHP code of the current document

php -l

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Validate Python Code

Language: Python
Requires: Python
Menu Name: Validate Python code
Description: Validate the Python code of the current document

python -d

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Compile and View LilyPond Scores

Language: LilyPond
Requires: GNU LilyPond, Evince
Menu Name: LilyPond Compile and View
Description: Compile and View the current LilyPond document. Must have extension '.ly'.

# Store the file name in a variable
# Check if file extension is .ly
if [ `echo $FILE_NAME | cut -d "." -f 2` = "ly" ]
#Make LilyPond file
lilypond $FILE_NAME
DOC_NAME=`echo $FILE_NAME | cut -d "." -f 1`
evince $DOC_NAME'.pdf' &
exit 0

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents


Language: Any
Requires: Grepall
Menu Name: Grepall
Description: Searches for references to the selected text in documents within the current directory with the same extension as the current document. Outputs file name and page number of each reference in the bottom pane.

search=`xargs -0 echo`
$HOME/bin/grepall -e `echo $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME | cut -d. -f2` "$search"

Input: Current selection
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Format XML on an unsaved document

Language: XML
Requires: XMLlint
Menu Name: Format XML code in a saved or unsaved document

xmllint --format -

Input: Current document
Output: Replace current document
Applicability: All documents

File Properties

Language: Any
Requires: Shell
Menu Name: File Properties
Description: Path, size (bytes), date and time for a file. Output like:

613 bytes
2010-12-13 15:33:21

if [ $FILE ]; then  # have a file been opened yet?
    echo `pwd`/$FILE  # poor mans realpath(1) (rarely installed)
    echo `ls -l --full-time $FILE | cut -d " " -f 5` bytes
    time=`ls -l --full-time $FILE | cut -d " " -f 6,7`
    echo $time | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/'  # cut off fraction of second

Input: Current document
Output: Display in bottom pane
Applicability: All documents

Beautify HTML

Language: HTML
Requires: BeautifulSoup
Menu Name: Beautify HTML
Description: Turns nasty HTML into a nicer form. Will attempt to solve all kind of problems, like incorrectly nested tags

import sys
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

text ='utf-8')
soup = BeautifulSoup(text) 
print soup.prettify()

Input: Current document
Output: Replace current document
Applicability: HTML

Language: Any
Requires: FirstGooser (modified from Gooser, installation instructions there)
Menu Name: Google for Link
Description: Takes highlighted text and converts to a Markdown-formatted link to the first result in Google (a la the Blogsmith bundle for textmate

searchvar=$(cat /dev/stdin)
echo -n "[$searchvar](" 
 /home/chase/bin/ -s "$searchvar" 
echo -n  ")"

Input: Current Selection
Output: Replace Current Selection
Applicability: All documents

Source Code Automatic Formatter

Language: C, C++, C#, and Java
Requires: Artistic Style (astyle) (You will find it in your deposits)
Menu Name: Astyle
Description: Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C# and Java programming languages. Use it with Gedit !
Attention: Replace [options] by the options that will please you on the following page: ;


Exemple: My options for C programs

astyle --style=kr --indent=tab=4 --indent-switches --indent-preprocessor --pad-oper --pad-header --break-closing-brackets --align-pointer=name --lineend=linux $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME

Input: Nothing
Output: Nothing
Applicability: C, C++, C#, Java

Grep on project

Language: Any
Requires: Zenity
Recommends: Git, RVM
Menu Name: Grep on project
Description: Executes grep of given string (selection by default) inside document dir. If it's inside a Git project, then it searches inside base repo dir. It Also looks for RVM, and if it is found, then it also searches inside the active gemset dir. Last version here.


# allow to refine expression
EXPRESSION=$(zenity --entry --text='Expression to grep' --entry-text="$SELECTION")

# add document dir

# try to replace with git project dir
PROJ_DIR=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null)
if [ ! '' = "$PROJ_DIR" ]; then

# try to load gemset and add gemset dir
source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm &> /dev/null
GEMSET_DIR=$(gem env gemdir)
if [ ! '' = "$GEMSET_DIR" ]; then

# some annoying output (to be customized...)
EXCLUDES="--exclude-dir=.git --exclude=Makefile --exclude=*~"

# clean output for gedit to be able to open file:line references
SED_CLEAN="sed 's/\(.*:[0-9]\+:\)\(.*\)/\1 \2/'"


bash -l -c "$GREP_COMMAND"

echo "--- Searched for '$EXPRESSION' inside:"

Applicability: all
Output: output-panel
Input: selection

2024-10-23 10:58