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    "_id": "id_of_this_document", # internal to CouchDB
    "_rev": "revision_for_this_document", #internal to CouchDB
    "record_type": "",
    "record_type_version": "1.0",
    "status": "Active/Later/Done/Dismissed",
    "title": "<note's title>",
    "content": "<note content>", # in HTML format
    "last_change_date": "<last modification date, ISO8601 UTC>",
    "due_date": "<due date, ISO8601 UTC>",
    "start_date": "<start date, ISO8601 UTC>",
    "modified_date": "<modified date, ISO8601 UTC>",
    "create_date": "<creation date in ISO8601 UTC>",
    "done_date": "<done date in ISO8601 UTC>",
    "tags": [ optional list of str tags ],
    "subtasks": [ optional list of _ids of other tasks ],

2024-10-23 10:58