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This is a page that states few of the ideas that can be implemented for Evolution 2.8 release. (Under Construction)

UI Ideas

- Evolution/Agenda View for Calendar (Ideas needed, may a mock can help)

- Cairo Polish for Evolution (Calendar, GtkHTML, ETable, MiniCard View).

- Simpler account configuration/creation page. (A partial patch already available).

- Wide view for Mail/Calendar/Task/? (bug 262742 - with a partial patch)

- Collapsible Headers for To/Cc/BCC if they are too big

- Support for remote shares in evolution (Ability to save/attach files from/to remote shares)

- New Evolution/Search UI for Mail/Calendar/Contacts/Tasks/Memo

- Apply Label as a filter action (requested by Usul in evolution user list)

- The folder subscription dialog must be renamed.

Evolution/User:andre's list of enhancements to save users' time and to ease their lifes:

- 231166 - Auto scroll to the correct time

- 239817 - auto-scroll to new criterion when setting up a filter in the new filter dialog

- 207699 - Contact List e-mail address entry should have autocomplete

- 240317 - add a search widget in subscription dialog

- 204197 - Import dialog(s) should be friendlier

- 212488 - easy enhancement for skipping gpg signing

- 225392 - Add column "real name" to mail message list

- 303257 - Filter dialog box too small, hard to search data on it.

- 205477 - Merge Screens in the Import Wizard

- 204798 - Timezone Picker Widget: add "+09:00" to the strings

- 235691 - get time-zone from system when running druid for the first time

- 229132 - first time wizard lets you skip timezone

- 224589 - Need "Insert -> VCard" menu item in composer window (perhaps combine with bug 326899?).

- 300584 - Show age with birthday event in calendar

- 262950 - folder search/filter keeps reverting to "Subject contains" (patch available)

- 246431 - Add the possibility to preview the sound used for mail notification (patch available)

- 256423 - allow marking multiple rules in filter list (e.g. to remove them)

- 205479 - It would be great to have tooltips for the column headings, since they can get hidden.

- generally, fix I18N and translation bugs, see bug 236276 for more info. use %x to translate/i18nize date and time formats! don't abuse the translators to do this!!! see bug 336253.

- generally, the junk ui is pretty busted.

- generally i'd love to see some experimental plugins become part of the stable release, e.g. bug 273176 (Add "add to calendar" to iCal attachments dropdown menu).

Must Fix Bugs

Evolution/User:andre's list:

- 262226 - Inconsistent "all day" behaviour of appointment editor

- 261457 and 324604 - iso-8859* encoding problem of name in contact List and contact select

- 247373 - mailer popups suck and violate the HIG.

- 266150 - In list view Delete option not working in menu and toolbar

- 266802 - view editing dialog remains on top

- 335923 - add Gnome-wide Lockdown support (security issue)

- 321797 - add a second error string (=not only for SSL, but also for TLS errors)

- 325882 - Enforce send/receive mail dialog window positions

- 268884 - not able to Create a new task by right click

- 273437 - new appointment strings ...

- 262003 - The gpg popup needs a scroll section

- 232065 - Selection jumps around when deleting in phone-list view

Evolution/User:Sander van Loon's list:

- 340748 - when choosing "customize current view..." and removing some fields, Evolution doesn't remember I removed some fields

- 312106 - Evolution should not grab emails during startup

- 301388 - RFE: "Delete this" means "Expunge this" if already in Trash

- 213072 - Error "Summary and folder mismatch"

2024-10-23 10:58