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This is the planning page for Evolution 2.6.

I am seeding the page with some initial thoughts and moving stuff from the Future Release Planning page. As always, your comments and contributions are welcome.


Hula support including CALDAV

Evolution 2.6 should be a complete Hula Client with tested support for all the features provided by the server.

UI Enhancements

UI Improvements ideas are maintained at Evolution/UI2.6

Speed & Memory Improvements

Evolution/User::bugreports I feel that memory requirements and speed are still A BIG ISSUE.

Polish up EDS APIs

Achieve a stable, documented, extensible set of APIs that will position us for proposing evolution-data-server to the GNOME platform.

Evolution/Evo_Future#API Required changes in calendar - movement of editors, libical replacement.

A how-to guide on developing against EDS Calendar APIs and a design doc is in the pipeline..Should be out for review soon...Harish

Evolution/User:notzed Are there any plans then to fix the horrendous corba and wrapper layers used by the backends? The sync gobject->async bonoboobject->sync gobject->wrapper gobject->layer implementation->data stuff is never going to be a good solution.

Evolution/user:vseguip Adding SWIG interface files would be nice to ease the creation of bindings for different languages like the current C# or Ruby ones. This way writing small desktop utilities could be very easy (think of Karamba/GDesklet/panel applets, etc). I'm willing to start the effort and help from anybody will be greatly appreciated.

This is being discussed further in Evolution/SWIGforEDS -Harish

Explore DBUS based Addressbook

Evolution/user:notzed we can't even get a single super-trivial event notification running with d-bus, i find this suggestion somewhat bizarre. Evolution/user:RossBurton That's a bug in the eplugin. I've been using the dbus port of libebook for months now


Evolution/User:sparthasarathi This looks a little far-fetched currently. But hopefully looking at a branch with work on 'moving' the entire mail functionality to EDS. : Some notes on this are available in the Evolution/mail in EDS page.

Evolution/User:sparthasarathi NotZed has a disk-summaries branch which he is working on already. And it looks pretty interesting. 2.6 from mailer would be lesser memory foot-print thanks to disk-summaries. There was a wiki page by Michael on this, which i could not find. Would update once i do. : Some initial notes on this are discussed on the Evolution/on-disk summaries page, however the code has moved on from there a bit, so an update will be forthcoming; more in line with a handover document.

Evolution/User:poornima Summary information of messages in default folders of groupwise account should be downloaded as soon as user logs in. At present when user clicks on 'Inbox', evolution starts fetching summary information of all mails in 'Inbox'. Simillarly for other mail folders like 'Sent Items', 'Trash'. Bugzilla entry to track this requirement #316144

It would be great to have this in 2.6. -Harish

This is something for which some users prefer IMAP4rev1. -Harish

This would allow for real time notification and reception of incoming emails, without the need to keep polling the email server (as already available in thunderbird or gnome notification applet)

Unified Account Management

Information pertaining to groupware accounts (that provide mail, calendaring and addressbook) is split into EAccounts and multiple ESources, making them difficult to manage. User data is also spread over .evolution and .gconf. This needs to be consolidated into a more manageable format.

This also means the awful e-sources api has to go away completely, the calendar and addressbook eds services need to be re-arranged into a more appropriate session/store architecture, e-account needs to be redesigned, and the mail account editor needs to be completely scrapped and converted into a global account editor. While we're at it, no account information should be stored in gconf anymore.
Evolution/User:Andre: carefully check that removing account information is not a contradiction to adding dave's Evolution Gconf tools to evolution (see Evolution/Evo2.6#Misc).

Evolution/User:Surf Any particular reason why we would want to drop off storing information in gconf here ? And what would be the alternative for this ?

Evolution/User:lukescott: how can anyone even ask that question - the fact is, storing information in two places (one place has the data, the other place has the metadata) is completely against the philosophy of streamlined data storage. One folder should apply to one application. There are some settings that could be appropriate to keep in gconf (basic settings like window & panel sizes, what day the week starts on, etc) but IN NO WAY should it EVER be possible to LOSE DATA by having two UNRELATED DIRECTORIES out of sync (.evolution, .gconf). Unrelated directories should be free to be deleted and recreated without any effect on the other. To have such a situation is simply a design flaw. As for contradictions with Dave's GConf tools, no design decisions should be made with a previous band-aid solution being considered set in stone. Band-aids are temporary fixes for dealing with design flaws and should be discarded whenever appropriate. I haven't used his tools but if any of them "fix" this user-data-in-gconf problem, then those parts of the tool set should be discarded.

Notes/Memos component and support for GW Reminder Notes

*Nathan Owens' patch has been approved and would be committed as soon as we branch out evolution-2.4 from the HEAD.

Support for Hula and GroupWise servers.

Groupwise support

We can add the following features

Moving editors to EDS

See the following link for more info Moving editors to EDS

Calendar publishing

There are two patches in the patches list for calendar publishing *StA©phane Konstantaropoulos's patch and *David Trowbridge's patch. One of them needs be taken in after review.

Web calendar support

Adding support to access authenticated web calendars and enable to save the changes to the same.

Offline write support for calendar

Adding support for making the changes in offline mode for web, groupwise, exchange calendars etc.

Enhancing Evolution Alarm Notifier

Please update your views on the points presented about enhancing Evolution's Alarm Notifier here.

Refreshing calendars

Add support for refreshing all calendars and a specific calendar. We can use the existing send/receive button to trigger the refresh for all calendars and add right click menu on the source group to refresh specific calendars. Currently we can specify refresh time interval for web calendars only. This can be added to groupwise and web calendars also.

Offline write support for address books

Adding suppfort for making the changes in offline mode for LDAP, groupwise, and exchange address books.

Better importers for address books

We should support thunderbird ldif files. Fix all the problems with the current vcf and ldif importers.

Currently we support only vcard and ldif importers. We should also be supporting csv and tab formats as this gives more options for somebody moving from some other mail client to evolution.

Evolution/User:Andre: see bug 258920 (although it's about exporting).

Currently autocompletion just shows the names and e-mail ids. This is the problem when a contact has multiple ids and user wants to know the e-mail id picked up during autocompletion or likes to use some other e-mail id. the right click menu just lists the e-mail ids and there is no clear way of knowing these details. See #272391, #231751

Also in the case of contact lists,

LDAP address book enhancements

Usability and UI Issues with address book

**Autocompletion, when typing in the field in Contact Editor **better selector Dialog, where all categories can be seen at once (not necessary to scroll) **select multiple contacts and add them to a certain category

Handhelds support


Suggestions by Evolution/TorLillqvist:

Evolution/Shreyas: We should really formalize libedataserver as the library which most of evolution can link to. This would mean moving all the duplicate stuff out of libeutil. Pushing into GLib should be pursued when possible as this would take away the problem of maintaining one more application library (remember gal ?)

Suggestions by Evolution/User:Andre:

Suggestions by Evolution/Shreyas

Suggestions by Evolution/Kaushal

Suggestions by Evolution/User:fullo

Suggestions by Evolution/User:horga_83

Suggestion by Evolution/User:NR:

Easier Approach to distribute Plugins

Exchange Features


Evolution/User:mayhem ask:

Evolution/User:jmcnaught suggests:

Evolution/User:andre votes for simple improvements of usability:

Evolution/User:reinhard suggests:



:Evolution/User:guenther Printed mails are ridiculously ugly. Printing layouts need to be improved and nicened up. Different settings for fonts are necessary too. Not sure if these issues are filed already in bugzilla, but I'm pretty sure they are. See the recent discussions on the evolution-list.

W32/x64 porting

2024-10-23 10:58