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Autoconfig Sources
Apart of the mail account Autoconfig, the evolution-source-registry supports auto-configuration on the account definition bases, the "low-level" source files. The source files are stored in ~/.config/evolution/sources/ with an extension .source. The name serves two purposes, a) it's a unique identificator (UID) of the source; b) it can be referenced by other sources by this name (without the extension). Whenever a new account, address book, calendar, ... is created a new .source file (one or more) is added to this directory. The source files are ini-like files with sections and keys describing their purpose. The evolution-source-registry verifies on each start all the sources with section [Autoconfig] whether corresponding file in the configured shared directory did not change its Revision. When it did, it's replaced with the content from the shared directory.
There are two keys in the GSettings at the org.gnome.evolution-data-server scheme, which can be used:
autoconfig-directory - a full path to a directory where .source files with preconfigured options can be stored; apart of this directory also those listed in XDG_CONFIG_DIRS, with appended evolution-data-server/autoconfig, are searched for;
autoconfig-variables - a list of variables which can be part of the autoconfig .source files; each item of the array is expected to be of the form: name=value. These variables are checked before environment variables, but after the predefined USER, REALNAME and HOST variables
Creating the templates
Let the sources for autoconfig be named templates. The easiest way to create such is to run Evolution on one of the machines and configured the desired account. Check which files had been created in ~/.config/evolution/sources/ and copy them elsewhere, say into /mnt/share/eds-autoconfig. Edit the files and replace any value with a variable reference, like in case of the [Authentication] User=bob with [Authentication] User=${USER}, which will replace the ${USER} with the logged in user name on the user machine. Similarly
[Mail Identity] Name=Bob Doe
might be replaced with
[Mail Identity] Address=${USER} Name=${REALNAME}
Note that only Mail sources contain the [Mail Identity] section, you should not add it to the .source file when it was not there before. Also note this example expects the user login matches the email address and the real name on the machines matches what the mail identity should use.
There can be more sections and keys to be changed, depending on what account information is preconfigured.
After this add to each file these lines:
[Autoconfig] Revision=1
They are important, the evolution-source-registry recognizes the preconfigured sources with them and the Revision is used for the comparison. The revision itself is not interpreted in any way, it can be anything. The code only verifies whether it's the same or a different value. The revision is also unique for its file, thus an account with three .source files can have each file with a different revision.
That's basically it. Once the user machines are configured to look into the directory with the preconfigured sources (for example through the settings' autoconfig-directory) and the evolution-source-registry is restarted, it'll check the preconfigured sources and it'll add the changed or new sources to the user's configuration files.
Note the [Data Source] DisplayName= contains the name of the account, how it'll be shown in the applications. It's not necessary to use the same display name in all the files.
The evolution-source-registry can be started from a terminal as:
$ ESR_DEBUG=1 /usr/libexec/evolution-source-registry
(the actual path can differ in some distributions). Search for the messages containing Autoconfig:, which should be near the top, to see what it does.
Below are few examples. Let the preconfigured sources be saved into /mnt/share/eds-autoconfig directory. That means each user machine will have auto-mounted this directory before login (or at least before the evolution-source-registry is started) and this directory is set for the autoconfig into the settings, for example by running this command on each user machine: gsettings set org.gnome.evolution-data-server autoconfig-directory "/mnt/share/eds-autoconfig"
CalDAV calendar
The calendar .source file looks like this:
[Autoconfig] Revision=1 [Data Source] DisplayName=${REALNAME} calendar Enabled=true Parent=caldav-stub [Security] Method=tls [Authentication] Method=plain/password Port=443 ProxyUid=system-proxy RememberPassword=true User=${USER} CredentialName= IsExternal=false [Refresh] Enabled=true IntervalMinutes=60 [WebDAV Backend] AvoidIfmatch=false CalendarAutoSchedule=false Color= DisplayName=${REALNAME} calendar EmailAddress=${USER} ResourcePath=/remote.php/caldav/${USER}/calendar/ ResourceQuery= [Calendar] BackendName=caldav Color=#73d216 Selected=true
It can be named anyhow, it only should be a unique name. Either the one generated by the evolution-data-server can be used, or some human-descriptive, like, can be used.
Mail accounts are more complicated, they use three different files, which are referenced by each other. The reference is there multiple times. If careful, the files can be renamed too.
Let the first file be named 0-ac-001.source with this content:
[Autoconfig] Revision=005 [Data Source] DisplayName=Company Account Enabled=true Parent= [Offline] StaySynchronized=false [Refresh] Enabled=true IntervalMinutes=100 [Authentication] Method=none Port=993 RememberPassword=true User=${USER} ProxyUid=system-proxy LimitTlsVersion=-1 CredentialName= [Mail Account] BackendName=imapx IdentityUid=0-ac-002 ArchiveFolder=folder://0-ac-001/INBOX/Archive NeedsInitialSetup=false [Security] Method=ssl-on-alternate-port [Imapx Backend] FilterInbox=true BatchFetchCount=500 CheckAll=false CheckSubscribed=true ConcurrentConnections=7 FetchOrder=ascending FilterAll=false FilterJunk=false FilterJunkInbox=false MobileMode=false Namespace=Templates/ RealJunkPath=INBOX/Spam RealTrashPath=INBOX/Trash ShellCommand=ssh -C -l %u %h exec /usr/sbin/imapd UseIdle=true UseNamespace=false UseQresync=true UseRealJunkPath=false UseRealTrashPath=false UseShellCommand=false UseSubscriptions=true IgnoreOtherUsersNamespace=false IgnoreSharedFoldersNamespace=false StoreChangesInterval=3 UseMultiFetch=false
It describes settings for the IMAP account on host Note of the [Mail Account] IdentityUid=0-ac-002, which references the second file, 0-ac-002.source with this content:
[Autoconfig] Revision=003 [Data Source] DisplayName=Company Account Enabled=true Parent=0-ac-001 [Mail Composition] Bcc= Cc= DraftsFolder=folder://0-ac-001/Drafts SignImip=true TemplatesFolder=folder://0-ac-001/Templates ReplyStyle=default [Mail Identity] Address=${USER} Name=${REALNAME} Organization= ReplyTo= SignatureUid=autogenerated Aliases= [Mail Submission] SentFolder=folder://0-ac-001/INBOX/atest TransportUid=0-ac-003 RepliesToOriginFolder=false [Pretty Good Privacy (OpenPGP)] AlwaysTrust=false EncryptToSelf=true KeyId= SigningAlgorithm= SignByDefault=false EncryptByDefault=false PreferInline=false [Message Disposition Notifications] ResponsePolicy=ask [Secure MIME (S/MIME)] EncryptionCertificate= EncryptByDefault=false EncryptToSelf=true SigningAlgorithm= SigningCertificate= SignByDefault=false
This file references 0-ac-003 in the [Mail Submission] TransportUid= key and also the folders from the IMAP account (0-ac-001). The last file serves as a transport definition, aka how the messages should be sent. Its name is 0-ac-003.source and it contains the following:
[Autoconfig] Revision=003 [Data Source] DisplayName=Company Account Enabled=true Parent=0-ac-001 [Mail Transport] BackendName=smtp [Authentication] Method=plain/password Port=465 RememberPassword=true User=${USER} ProxyUid=system-proxy CredentialName= [Security] Method=tls
These three files together define an IMAP account for the user.
A company might have a company wide signature to be used for each company communication. The IMAP account from the above uses [Mail Identity] SignatureUid=autogenerated in the 0-ac-002.source file. A signature definition requires two files, one is the signature definition, the other is the signature itself. The signature definition is a .source file as well. Let it be 0-sig-001.source. Its content is:
[Autoconfig] Revision=001 [Data Source] DisplayName=Company signature Enabled=true Parent= [Mail Signature] MimeType=text/plain
and the signature file is 0-sig-001.signature (note only the extension changed, the file name is the same as the .source file) containing:
Example Company Inc. ${REALNAME} ${USER}
Copy these two files into the directory with the preconfigured sources and the signature will be added. To have it automatically used by the above IMAP account open the 0-ac-002.source file and change [Mail Identity] SignatureUid=autogenerated to [Mail Identity] SignatureUid=0-sig-001. Remeber to change the [Autoconfig] Revision= too, in case any of the users have the account added already.
Whenever the 0-sig-001.signature is updated, change the 0-sig-001.source's [Autoconfig] Revision= as well.
Exchange Web Services
The Exchange Web Services (EWS) accounts are similar to mail accounts, but there is one more file, a collection source, which is the parent of all the accounts. Let it be called 0-ews-outlook-001.source. It will reference an account. Its content is:
[Autoconfig] Revision=001 [Data Source] Account Enabled=true Parent= Populated=false [Offline] StaySynchronized=false [Authentication] Method=PLAIN Port=443 ProxyUid=system-proxy RememberPassword=true User=${USER} CredentialName= IsExternal=false [Collection] BackendName=ews CalendarEnabled=true ContactsEnabled=true Identity=${USER} MailEnabled=true CalendarUrl= ContactsUrl= [Security] Method=none [Ews Backend] FilterInbox=false StoreChangesInterval=3 LimitByAge=false LimitUnit=years LimitValue=1 CheckAll=false ListenNotifications=true Email=${USER} FilterJunk=false FilterJunkInbox=false GalUid= Hosturl= Oaburl= OabOffline=false OalSelected= Timeout=120 UseImpersonation=false ImpersonateUser= OverrideUserAgent=false UserAgent=Microsoft Office/14.0 (Windows NT ,5.1; Microsoft Outlook 14.0.4734; Pro) OverrideOauth2=true Oauth2Tenant=common Oauth2ClientId= Oauth2RedirectUri=
The second file 0-ews-outlook-002.source is:
[Autoconfig] Revision=001 [Data Source] Account Enabled=true Parent=0-ews-outlook-001 Populated=true [Refresh] Enabled=false IntervalMinutes=60 [Mail Account] BackendName=ews IdentityUid=0-ews-outlook-003 ArchiveFolder= NeedsInitialSetup=false MarkSeen=inconsistent MarkSeenTimeout=1500 [Exchange Web Services Folder] ChangeKey= Id= Foreign=false ForeignSubfolders=false ForeignMail= FreebusyWeeksBefore=1 FreebusyWeeksAfter=5 Public=false UsePrimaryAddress=false FetchGalPhotos=false
The third file 0-ews-outlook-003.source is:
[Autoconfig] Revision=001 [Data Source] Account Enabled=true Parent=0-ews-outlook-001 Populated=false [Mail Composition] Bcc= Cc= DraftsFolder=folder://0-ews-outlook-002/Drafts ReplyStyle=default SignImip=true TemplatesFolder=folder://local/Templates StartBottom=inconsistent TopSignature=inconsistent Language= [Mail Identity] Address=${USER} Aliases= Name=${REALNAME} Organization= ReplyTo= SignatureUid=autogenerated [Mail Submission] SentFolder=folder://0-ews-outlook-002/Sent%20Items TransportUid=0-ews-outlook-004 RepliesToOriginFolder=false UseSentFolder=true [Pretty Good Privacy (OpenPGP)] AlwaysTrust=false EncryptToSelf=true KeyId= SigningAlgorithm= SignByDefault=false EncryptByDefault=false PreferInline=false [Message Disposition Notifications] ResponsePolicy=ask [Secure MIME (S/MIME)] EncryptionCertificate= EncryptByDefault=false EncryptToSelf=true SigningAlgorithm= SigningCertificate= SignByDefault=false
Finally, the fourth file 0-ews-outlook-004.source is:
[Autoconfig] Revision=001 [Data Source] Account Enabled=true Parent=0-ews-outlook-001 Populated=true [Mail Transport] BackendName=ews