Collected random notes for now. Work-in-progress

User Research

Using interviews can help you better understand goals, usage patterns and mental models of the people who will use your software.

Interview tips

  • Prepare your questions in advance. Test them out on a friend first if you have the chance.
  • Let the participant know how you'll use the data and ask for their permission of publishing the data.
  • Your number one job is to listen. Let the participant do most of the talking.
  • Don't ask leading questions. Eg. "Product A is better than Product B, isn't it?".
  • Use open-ended questions if you want long, detailed answers, makes the data a bit harder to process though.
  • Use closed questions if you want shorter answers that are easier to process.
  • Thank the participant for their time and valuable help.
  • Publish the answers and questions in full on a wiki page, but also provide a TL;DR of the results to make it easier for other developers to consume. Can be done in the form of personas if you want.

Further reading

AndreasNilsson/UserResearch (last edited 2016-08-26 10:51:02 by AndreasNilsson)