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GNOME Board of Directors meet with the Advisory Board members once every month over the phone with a specific agenda. Foundation/Community members can add their suggestions here for agenda items for future Advisory Board meetings. Many advisory meetings will have a specific topic and the relevant GNOME community members are asked to attend to either present or to ask and answer questions.

Scheduled Meetings and Topics:

Future ideas:

You can have a look at the PastTopics for the advisory board meetings and propose new ideas here.

>new idea: the pre-conference for GUADEC. I'm currently organising a session to get government, community and industry together to discuss the >future of an the open source desktops for government. This should be interesting the advisory board, as most members are from the companies who >will eventually do this kind of implementation.

>Let me know if you need more info. >best, Sanne te Meerman, dutch team of GUADEC organisers. >email: Sanne -xxxx- opensourceadvies dot nl

2024-10-23 10:57