
  1. ATK Hackfest
  2. Testing the fix for bug 554057
  3. 3.2 Planning
  4. Women's Outreach Program Update
  5. Getting all apps to "show up" in GNOME 3

Meeting Log


  • Alan, Brian, Javi, Joanie, Joseph, Mario, Mike, Piñeiro
  • Late: Aline


ATK Hackfest


  • With less than a month to go, team members should look at the items associated with bug 638537 and comment, make new suggestions, etc.

  • Attendees should add their arrival and departure times to the wiki so that we can draft a working schedule.
  • Igalia has an arranged discount with the hotel, therefore when booking reservations attendees should mention they are attending an Igalia event.


  • Joanie and Piñeiro will update the wiki and email people about the hackfest.

Testing the fix for bug 554057


  • While the patch seems simple enough, Matthias has requested testing.
  • Joanie fears that if we do not test the patch sufficiently and something unexpected breaks, it will be "our fault."


  • Javi will include Matthias' patch for bug 554057 in his next spin of the testing distro.

  • The team should test Matthias' patch for bug 554057

3.2 Planning


  • Joanie has started a 3.2 Planning Page for the team. She stated that this and the associated pages were designed not just for planning, but also to eliminate the following problems with our GNOME 3 Page:

    • Too long
    • No one updates their status(es) as expected/required
    • Not uniform in appearance
    • Filled with items which we knew were not being addressed
  • Joanie added that the 3.2 Pages are what will be shown to the Board, Release Team, and similar bodies. She requests that team members review the pages and provide feedback.


  • Team members should review the new 3.2 planning pages and provide feedback.

Women's Outreach Program Update


  • Aline has begun working on converting the Accerciser docs into the Mallard format. It is still a work in progress. She will post what she currently has (a mixture of Docbook and Mallard) to the mailing list.
  • Brian offered to provide the outline he had regarding converting the Accerciser docs to Mallard.
  • Joanie stated that based on her experience redoing the Orca docs, the task Aline is taking on is not trivial/simple. She also suggested that Shaun would be a good resource regarding topic-based help.


  • Aline will share with the team her current work on the Accerciser docs.
  • Brian will share with Aline his outline on topic-based help for Accerciser.

Getting all apps to "show up" in GNOME 3


  • Joanie reported that she is seeing some apps "show up"/emit events in GNOME 3 and other apps fail to do so. And which apps do which seems to vary. She is experiencing this in Fedora 15.
  • Piñeiro asked if this was also present in the testing distro. Joanie does not know as she has just finished doing clean installs on all of her systems and there is not a USB image of the testing distro available yet.
  • Mike mentioned that users were raising similar issues on the Orca list.
  • Joanie wonders if it is a timing issue. Javi thinks it might be.
  • Javi will look into the issue.


  • Javi will investigate the issue of apps not always registering in GNOME 3.

Summary of Action Items


  • Joanie and Piñeiro will update the wiki and email people about the hackfest.
  • Javi will include Matthias' patch for bug 554057 in his next spin of the testing distro.

  • The team should test Matthias' patch for bug 554057.

  • Team members should review the 3.2 Planning Page and provide feedback.

  • Aline will share with the team her current work on the Accerciser docs.
  • Brian will share with Aline his outline on topic-based help for Accerciser.
  • Javi will investigate the issue of apps not always registering in GNOME 3.

Ongoing / Rolled-Over

  • Javi will do the work needed in Accerciser to move from gconf to gsettings, and from pygtk to introspection.
  • Regarding Brian's Mago testing framework:
    • Brian will announce his tests on the gnome-accessibility-devel list.
    • Brian will create a README and an INSTALL for his tests.
  • Joanie will keep LibreOffice and working with that community on her list.

Next Meeting

  • Thursday, 21 April, at 14:30 UTC in #a11y-meeting on

Accessibility/Minutes/20110414 (last edited 2011-04-27 21:02:08 by JoanmarieDiggs)