10:29 < API> meeting time! 10:30 < bnitz_> yay 10:30 < API> anyway, lets wait a little 10:30 < API> although today we are a lot of people 10:30 <@joanie> bnitz_: you're in a good mood 10:30 <@joanie> ;-) 10:31 ::: clown [~clown@] joined #a11y-meeting 10:33 < API> well, some gentle minutes 10:33 < API> I think that we can start 10:34 < API> so looking at agenda 10:34 < API> 1. 10:34 < API> Women's outreach program 10:34 < API> joanie, ? 10:34 < clown> http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/Meetings#Agenda_for_the_Next_Meeting 10:34 <@joanie> And our candidate is not here. 10:34 <@joanie> Well, in a nutshell, the gnome women's outreach program is accepting applications 10:34 <@joanie> with the deadline being today 10:35 <@joanie> and we have someone who is officially signing up with the Documentation Team 10:35 <@joanie> who is interested in doing a couple of things: 10:35 <@joanie> 1. Updating our developer docs (yayayaya) 10:35 <@joanie> 2. Creating a custom-widget (or several) as a means to demonstrate implementation of ATK 10:35 <@joanie> She's been in touch with API and myself and also introduced herself on our list 10:36 <@joanie> She indicated she'd be able to attend this meeting 10:36 <@joanie> but .... 10:36 <@joanie> I guess the conclusion (if there are not questions) is this: 10:36 <@joanie> We might have a contributor, who's nick (I think) is alibezz (something like that anyway) 10:36 <@joanie> And I've promised we'd all be supportive. :-) 10:36 <@joanie> So we should be supportive 10:36 < API> just a question 10:37 < API> after all those mails 10:37 < API> the outreach is still checking candidates 10:37 < API> right? 10:37 <@joanie> correct 10:37 < API> or alibezz is already in? 10:37 <@joanie> Aline still has to apply 10:37 <@joanie> we don't know if she's in or not yet 10:38 <@joanie> but we should find out soon enough 10:38 <@joanie> The other conclusion -- and for a later meeting 10:38 <@joanie> is that I'd like to start proposing tasks for Women's Outreach next year. 10:38 <@joanie> just like GSoC, the Mass college, etc. 10:39 <@joanie> and I'll volunteer to coordinate that, bug people for possible projects, etc. 10:39 < API> in general "student management" 10:39 >>> joanie is done with this topic unless there are questions 10:39 <@joanie> yup 10:39 < API> well, just a comment 10:39 <@joanie> did the adjunct thang for 6 years. 10:39 < API> aline is taking a look to migrate 10:39 < API> accerciser doc to mallard 10:39 <@joanie> potentially 10:39 < API> so I guess that it would be good to ping bnitz_ 10:39 < API> bnitz_, ping 10:39 <@joanie> indeed 10:39 <@joanie> :-) 10:39 < API> ;) 10:40 <@joanie> This was one of the reasons I suggested Aline attend our meeting. 10:41 < API> well, lets hope shell be there later 10:41 < API> shell => she'll 10:41 ::: bnitz [~bn128650@muc-ea-fw-1-imap.sun.com] joined #a11y-meeting 10:41 <@joanie> aha! 10:41 < API> hmmm 10:41 <@joanie> speak of the devil 10:41 < API> two brian nitzs 10:41 < API> on the meeting 10:41 < API> bnitz, and bnitz_ 10:41 <@joanie> send in the clones 10:41 < bnitz> :-) 10:42 < bnitz> I think the other one dropped off the network so I might have missed something. 10:42 < API> well, we were talking about you 10:42 < API> in summary: 10:42 < API> aline is taking a look to migrate 10:42 < API> accerciser doc to mallard 10:42 < API> potentially 10:42 < API> so I guess that it would be good to ping bnitz_ 10:42 < API> bnitz_, ping 10:42 < API> aline is someone who volunteer herself to help on improve a11y doc 10:42 < API> bnitz, so now you are pinged 10:42 < bnitz> Great! 10:43 < API> further details on following weeks 10:43 < API> so 10:43 < API> any question or next point? 10:43 <@joanie> bnitz in particular the mallardizing of your current docs 10:44 < bnitz> joanie:Are there components besides Orca which have been Mallardized? 10:44 <@joanie> I believe jrocha did ocrfeeder 10:45 <@joanie> I do not know about caribou but can look 10:45 < bnitz> Ok. I still have the outline you and shaun and I worked on but haven't had time to move beyond that. 10:45 <@joanie> understood 10:45 <@joanie> even if this initial pass is just a conversion in format, it will be a start 10:45 <@joanie> and having gone through the mallard process, I can help as well 10:46 < bnitz> Thank you! 10:46 <@joanie> (and her mentor is one of the main Doc team guys) 10:46 <@joanie> so I think we're good 10:46 < API> ok 10:46 < API> good 10:46 < API> sooo 10:46 < API> lets move next poing 10:46 < API> point 10:47 < API> 2 .GNOME 3.0 is out 10:47 < API> Is it working? 10:47 < bnitz> API will aline contact me directly? 10:47 ::: bnitz_ [~bnitz@] quit [Ping timeout: 600 seconds] 10:47 < API> bnitz, yes afaik, although first I guess that 10:47 <@joanie> (bnitz: dunno. Let's wait and see) 10:47 < API> they require to solve all the things related with the 10:47 < API> women outreach 10:47 < API> as we said before 10:47 < API> they are still reviewing candidates 10:47 < API> so, as I said 10:47 < API> 2 .GNOME 3.0 is out 10:48 < API> the big new on the week 10:48 < API> gnome 3.0 is here 10:48 < API> Is it working? 10:48 < API> well, I guess that there are still work to do 10:48 < API> checking this page 10:48 < API> https://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/GNOME3 10:48 < API> you still can see a lot of red things 10:48 >>> joanie just updated the Orca section 10:48 < API> a lot of things were included at the last moment 10:49 < API> and a lot of things were rejected 10:49 < API> in the last moment 10:49 <@joanie> ;-) 10:49 < API> anyway, as far as GNOME 3.0 10:49 < API> is here 10:49 < API> the good new 10:49 < API> is that it would be easier to really test a GNOME 3.0 environment 10:49 < API> that leads to next subitem 10:49 ::: clown [~clown@] quit [Ping timeout: 600 seconds] 10:49 < API> 2.2 Testing distro update 10:49 < API> jhernandez is not here 10:49 >>> joanie has his update 10:50 < API> joanie clown, any new? 10:50 <@joanie> or not 10:50 <@joanie> clown seems to have gone too 10:50 < API> hmmm yes 10:50 < API> so just joanie 10:51 < API> anything new about this testing distro? 10:51 <@joanie> avi is having problems with the build service. But he's hoping today to produce another spin which will include yesterday's release, Joseph's customizations, and Orca from the GNOME 3.0 branch which has the fixes to work with TheSwitch(tm) that were not approved in time for the official release. 10:51 <@joanie> s/avi/javi/ 10:51 < API> so those changes 10:51 < API> TheSwitch a 10:51 < API> are already on orca masteR? 10:51 <@joanie> heck no 10:51 <@joanie> only the branch 10:51 <@joanie> as they will break access to things like Ubuntu 10:52 <@joanie> and everyone else who uses master but not gnome 3 10:52 <@joanie> Ale and I will be sorting out what to do about this issue soon 10:52 <@joanie> but right now gnome-3-specific stuff is ONLY going into the gnome-3 branch 10:52 < API> you mean something that would allow to install master orca on both old and new gnome? 10:52 <@joanie> Orca branched a couple of weeks ago 10:52 <@joanie> correct API 10:53 < API> ok, good 10:53 < API> btw, it is supposed that last fedora is a "good guy" gnome 3 distro? 10:53 <@joanie> we can't keep this only-gnome-3 thing up forever as we make too many changes/fixes/feature additions 10:53 <@joanie> by which you mean what? 10:53 < API> I mean 10:53 < API> that as I said 10:53 < API> one good thing of the GNOME 3.0 release 10:53 < API> is that 10:54 < API> it would be easier to get a distro to test things 10:54 < API> having a custom a11y distro 10:54 < API> is good for testing 10:54 < API> but not sure if it is a long term solution 10:54 <@joanie> and for demonstrating where we are as a team 10:54 < API> as most people use 10:54 < API> "mainstream" distros 10:54 <@joanie> agreed 10:54 <@joanie> but it does simplify the process for people in our team/community who don't want to deal with jhbuild 10:54 < mgorse> Yeah, and I think that testing with mainstream distros will become easier as time goes on and fixes get included 10:55 < API> mgorse, yeah this is my point 10:55 < API> ubuntu is discarded 10:55 <@joanie> and if someone like matthias comes along and says how broken things are in Fedora, and we have a working test distro 10:55 <@joanie> we could point him to that 10:55 < API> as natty will be still mostly gnome 2 10:55 <@joanie> and use it as a way to figure out what he's done differently 10:55 < API> point him to that? 10:55 < bnitz> I'm working on a test tinderbox using jhernandez's a11y test distro as a starting point 10:55 < API> that==? 10:55 <@joanie> that == testing distro 10:56 < API> joanie, ah ok 10:56 <@joanie> because it could be the need for the latest at-spi 10:56 <@joanie> or orca 10:56 <@joanie> or atk 10:56 <@joanie> or who knows 10:56 <@joanie> turned out one of his issues was using gnome speech and bonobo kept tanking 10:56 <@joanie> it would be nice to know if *we* think something is broken 10:56 < API> last fedora still have bonobo? 10:56 <@joanie> when we get such reports 10:56 <@joanie> :-) 10:56 <@joanie> matthias has removed the orca-gnome speech dependency 10:56 < API> sincerely, it is time to have something without any bonobo at all 10:57 <@joanie> and put speech-dispatcher in its place 10:57 <@joanie> agreed 10:57 < API> it has been decrepated for years 10:57 <@joanie> that's what I told him 10:57 <@joanie> ;-) 10:57 < API> at first a lot of people blamed a11y to keep bonobo 10:57 ::: korn [~Peter_Kor@75-25-140-220.lightspeed.okldca.sbcglobal.net] joined #a11y-meeting 10:57 < API> but now it seems that bonobo is just here to make our lives more complex 10:57 <@joanie> now they'll have to find something else to pin on us 10:57 <@joanie> :-P 10:58 <@joanie> btw, I just remembered a gnome 3 bug wrt the panel 10:58 ::: clown [~clown@] joined #a11y-meeting 10:58 <@joanie> and am looking now for that issue 10:58 < API> well,anyway focusing on this 10:58 < API> yes, 10:58 < API> about that 10:58 < API> it would be good to update our page review with that 10:58 <@joanie> yup 10:59 < API> and about that page 10:59 < API> well, lets talk about it later 10:59 < API> and move to next subitem 10:59 < API> 2.3 10:59 < API> Accerciser with AT-SPI2 11:00 <@joanie> So I have another Javi report 11:00 < API> about accerciser? 11:00 <@joanie> Javi still needs to dive into the code, but he says he's aware of some changes that will need to be made: 11:00 <@joanie> migration from gconf to gsettings 11:00 <@joanie> moving from pygtk to introspection 11:00 <@joanie> and Javi has voluteered to do these things if bnitz is not already planning on doing so 11:01 < bnitz> I would appreciate that. 11:01 <@joanie> I shall pass that along. Thanks! 11:01 < bnitz> I only planned to do it if no one else was. 11:01 <@joanie> the other thing I'll ask/point out 11:01 <@joanie> is that, unlike the Orca situation, 11:01 <@joanie> I think it might make sense to maintain a couple of branches of Accerciser 11:01 <@joanie> one for gnome 3 and one for gnome 2, xfce, kde, etc. 11:01 < bnitz> I think that may be true. 11:02 <@joanie> I think it's doable in your case bnitz 11:02 <@joanie> because your code base is stable 11:02 < bnitz> Yes. 11:02 <@joanie> features are in place 11:02 <@joanie> and it's just occasional bug fixes 11:02 <@joanie> and with all the development in all the different DE's these days 11:02 <@joanie> we need to provide everyone (even those silly enough to not be using gnome 3 :-P) with Accerciser 11:03 < bnitz> I haven't been using GNOME 3 until very recently but I was under the impression that some people had been using accerciser with GNOME 3. 11:03 < bnitz> Did something break in the last minute? 11:04 <@joanie> Last week or the week before, some people said so 11:04 <@joanie> one issue Javi mentioned is that the key is not getting set correctly because it's using gconf and not gsettings 11:04 < bnitz> I see. 11:05 < API> bnitz, at least me and msanchez were using it on gnome3, but on a jhbuild environment 11:05 < bnitz> API: but you were probably using gconf, right? 11:06 < API> bnitz, on that jhbuild environment I was using gsettings 11:06 < API> some time ago I was also affected by the mixed gconf-gseetings environment 11:06 < API> as accerciser was using gconf via old pythong bindings 11:06 < API> and other apps gsettings 11:07 < API> I was affected until mgorse added a quick solution 11:07 <@joanie> So the conclusions of all this is: 11:07 <@joanie> Javi will do the required conversion work to Accerciser 11:07 <@joanie> and most likely there will be two branches existing to support the different DE's 11:07 <@joanie> correct? 11:08 < bnitz> Yes. 11:08 < API> ok, so moving to next subitem? 11:08 >>> joanie nods 11:08 < API> 4. Planning for 3.2 11:09 < API> well, the first thing I would like to talk about is this: 11:09 < API> https://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/GNOME3 11:09 < API> this was a planning page toward GNOME 3 11:09 < API> in fact 11:09 < API> more than a planning page 11:09 < API> a "list of issues page" 11:09 < API> I think that we should maintain it 11:09 < API> but the name is not anymore valid 11:10 <@joanie> Can I propose a different option? 11:10 < API> yes you can 11:10 <@joanie> Namely, let's keep it around, but start a nice new fresh and clean 3.2 page 11:10 <@joanie> this page will have a template 11:10 <@joanie> so that every entry looks consistent 11:10 <@joanie> and is easy to read 11:11 <@joanie> and we only add the stuff we know are issues which can actually be addressed 11:11 <@joanie> like with the JAW, we have not heard from Ke Wang 11:11 <@joanie> and since he is no longer at Oracle, JAW is no longer a job duty 11:11 <@joanie> until people complain and/or we hit an issue 11:11 < korn> Joanie - how much work is left in JAW? Just bug fixes? 11:11 <@joanie> I believe so 11:11 <@joanie> but that's just one example 11:11 < API> korn, this is one of the problems 11:11 <@joanie> CSPI is another 11:11 < API> we don't have anyone 11:12 <@joanie> maybe we'll do it; maybe we won't 11:12 < API> telling us the state of JAW 11:12 <@joanie> but it's not something I think belongs on a 3.2 page 11:12 <@joanie> the problem with the 3.0 page imho is that it's huge 11:12 <@joanie> tl;dr syndrome 11:12 < API> korn, last jaw update: 24-Mar-2010 11:12 < paul_h> I've used jaw a bit, it basically works 11:13 < API> joanie, ok, it makes sense, but it would be good to have them somewhere, 11:13 <@joanie> paul_h: and we have open bugs 11:13 < API> like our promised "other things page" 11:13 <@joanie> API sure, let's keep the 3.0 page 11:13 < API> hmmm 11:13 < Pendulum> what about a separate page for 'unadressable issues' so that things like JAW aren't cluttering a 3.2 page, but there's a clear record that it is not up-to-date and may not ever be? 11:13 <@joanie> i mean, we've got a perfectly (long, non-uniform) functional page already 11:13 < API> joanie, well, but what I was saying is that the name of that page is not proper anymore 11:14 <@joanie> Agreed 11:14 < API> it would be confusing to maintain it 11:14 < korn> Is the purpose of the 3.2 page to traack all that is wrong for 3.2, or to track all of the things planned to be fixed for 3.2? 11:14 < API> Pendulum, yeah, I was thinking on somethink like that 11:14 < korn> If the latter, you could then migrate (well, copy) content from the 3.0 page to the 3.2 page, as they get resourced. 11:14 < API> in fact 11:14 <@joanie> korn: exactly 11:14 < API> for this "missing things" on current modules 11:14 < Pendulum> yeah 11:14 < API> I was thinking to avoid the 3.2 think 11:15 <@joanie> although not copy because they must follow the rigid template I would like to make ;-) 11:15 < API> and just a "know issues page" 11:15 < API> not tied to any gnome 3 release 11:15 < API> and any hypothetical "gnome 3.2" would be 11:15 < API> a page 11:15 < API> tied to new features or apps that we want to add 11:15 < API> or fixes that we plan that will be on 3.2 11:16 < API> although not sure if my proposal is also somewhat confusing 11:16 < paul_h> personally I'd just refactor the gnome3 page. it's still discussing how to make gnome 3 accessible, whether it's 3.0 or 3.2 11:16 < korn> One other thing to think about for the 3.2 page: highlighting the things we need from outside the GNOME a11y team -> to better bring pressure (perhaps from the release team, he says hopefully) with "fully a11y" being a goal for 3.2. 11:16 < clown> good point, paul_h 11:16 <@joanie> korn: And that's one of the motivators for a clean, shorter, uniform page 11:16 <@joanie> the RT does look at our 3.0 page 11:16 <@joanie> but my eyes glaze over when I read it 11:17 < API> korn, in my opinion we can't promise a so general objetive on gnome 3.2 11:17 <@joanie> so surely they are having a similar problem 11:17 < API> taking into account the work to do 11:17 < API> and the people we have 11:17 < API> I mean "full a11y" thing 11:17 <@joanie> by which you mean don't have? 11:17 < API> all people want that 11:17 < API> but not mather if we 11:17 < API> say that it is our objetive 11:17 < API> if pragmatically we can't achieve it 11:18 < API> btw, about this feature thing 11:18 < API> something I sent to the list 11:18 < API> https://live.gnome.org/ThreePointOne/Features 11:18 < API> this is the reason I proposed a features page 11:18 < API> it has a accessibility section 11:18 < API> soo 11:18 >>> clown loading... 11:18 < API> clown, is empty 11:18 < API> we should fill it ;) 11:18 < API> but they gave us the template 11:18 < API> soooo 11:18 < API> this is the reason I proposed a "feature page" 11:19 < API> that will be this one 11:19 < clown> API, it isn't even loading an empty page in my browser. :-) 11:19 < API> and a "issue thing" 11:19 >>> clown is loaded... 11:19 < API> that issue page would be 11:19 < API> our current gnome 3.0 page 11:19 < API> but not tied to any release 11:19 < API> that page represents the technical problems 11:19 < API> beyond just bugs 11:19 < API> that prevents a coherent a11y on gnome 3 11:20 < API> and then have a page with other things 11:20 < API> this is my proposal 11:20 < API> anyway 11:20 < clown> API, technical problems for "GNOME 3.x"? 11:20 < API> not a problem to follow joanie idea 11:20 < API> clown, if you take a look to our current gnome3 page 11:20 <@joanie> I'm not positive our ideas are that different API 11:20 < API> it is more about things that doesn't work properly 11:20 < clown> right 11:20 < API> that new things that we plan to implement 11:21 < API> it is more technical things 11:21 < API> although some things 11:21 < clown> right, I was suggesing the name GNOME 3.x 11:21 < API> like your improvements on gnome -shell mag is more aligned with "features thing" 11:21 < clown> to gloss over the actual release number. 11:21 < API> as I say, probably my proposal is also confusing 11:21 <@joanie> API so lemme propose the following 11:21 <@joanie> after this meeting 11:22 <@joanie> I will draft a 3.2 page 11:22 <@joanie> and bounce it off of you 11:22 <@joanie> you give me feedback, we discuss, bla bla bla 11:22 <@joanie> and we present a concrete, demonstrable proposal 11:22 <@joanie> to the team next week 11:22 < API> ok, makes sense 11:22 <@joanie> cool 11:22 < API> and in fact we are mostly over time in this poing 11:22 < clown> +1 11:22 < API> point 11:22 <@joanie> and then I'll do 2 weeks worth of minutes. :-P 11:22 < API> so anything else from anyone else about this? 11:23 >>> joanie is so behind 11:23 < API> ok, so last poin 11:23 < API> t 11:24 < API> 4.Updating the project's outdated pages (incl. GNOME Developer Guide) 11:24 < API> hmm, in fact 3. 11:24 < API> this is related to aline work, or unrelated? 11:24 < API> joanie? 11:24 <@joanie> both 11:24 <@joanie> you and I had already been talking about it 11:24 <@joanie> and then Aline came along 11:24 <@joanie> given the time, let's table it for now 11:24 <@joanie> and see how Aline's application progresses 11:26 < API> joanie, ok 11:26 < API> well 11:27 < API> 3 minutes til the end 11:27 < API> miscellaneous time 11:27 < API> someone want to say something sensible 11:27 < API> not included on the agenda? 11:27 < korn> Dunno if this is sensible or not... 11:27 <@joanie> heh 11:27 < korn> Just curious: any sense of when the next a11y spin will come out? 11:27 < clown> I want to say something sensible that was in the agenda, but go ahead korn. 11:27 < korn> Hmmm... a sensible clown. What is the world coming to? 11:28 < clown> up is down... 11:28 <@joanie> korn: you missed that 11:28 < API> a11y spin? 11:28 < korn> Sorry... I was a bit late. 11:28 <@joanie> the executive summary is that Javi was having problems with the build server/system 11:28 < clown> yeah, I missed it too, due to network outage. 11:28 <@joanie> but he plans to do it tonight if possible 11:28 < korn> Awesoem! 11:29 <@joanie> incorporating some things which didn't make it into gnome 3 officially 11:29 <@joanie> due to time constraints 11:29 < clown> it already is late there where Javi is, right? It's almost "tonight". 11:29 <@joanie> They stay up crazy late, these Sevilla guys 11:29 < korn> And then they go out and have dinner... 11:30 <@joanie> exactly 11:30 < clown> I don't see him here, nor in #a11y. How can I get in touch with him? 11:30 <@joanie> email 11:30 <@joanie> clown: he's at a release party in Granada 11:30 <@joanie> hence my reporting for him 11:30 < clown> his email is (so I don't have to use google)? 11:30 <@joanie> jhernandez@emergya.es 11:30 < korn> Tapas, with garlic & tomatos on toasted bread... (getting hungry) 11:30 < clown> thanks! 11:31 <@joanie> korn: It's sensible that you get hungry (hopes API approves) 11:31 <@joanie> ;-) 11:31 >>> clown misses that square in Seville, *sigh*. 11:31 >>> joanie is going back 11:31 >>> clown is jealous 11:31 <@joanie> and staying near there I believe 11:31 <@joanie> Juanje helped me find a place 11:32 >>> clown wonders if a hungry clown is a sensible clown 11:32 >>> joanie wonders at what point boris and natasha are going to feel the wrath of fearless leasder 11:32 < korn> Meanwhile the next AEGIS conference (this year, this Nov.) is in Brussels. Not a great place for Tapas... Good Crêpes Flambé though... 11:32 <@joanie> leader even 11:32 < mgorse> You're going to Seville? 11:33 <@joanie> mgorse: Yeah, Orca team work plus vacation time 11:33 <@joanie> GNOME 3 nearly killed me and I need a break 11:33 >>> mgorse nods 11:33 < API> miscellaneous time became really miscellaneous 11:33 < API> ok folks 11:33 < API> meeting over 11:33 < API> see you 11:33 <@joanie> hehe 11:33 < clown> thanks API!