(07:06:58) API [~API@] entered the room. (07:07:26) API: hi, I have missed something? (07:07:35) joanie: hey API (07:07:37) joanie: nah (07:08:33) API: ok, so first, happy thanksgiving (07:08:39) joanie: thanks (07:08:45) danigm_out is now known as danigm (07:08:57) API: you are welcome (07:09:31) API: btw, apart of joanie, anyone else here? (07:09:57) joanie: slackers, all of 'em (07:09:58) joanie: ;-) (07:10:24) joanie: API we're you really up editing and commenting on bugs at 03:00ish?? (07:10:31) joanie: s/we're/were/ (07:10:58) API: well, I needed to write something on the roadmap (07:11:18) API: so meanwhile I added that comment (07:11:39) API: and of course I write just a little on the roadmap (07:11:47) API: and now Im sleepy (07:11:49) joanie: lol (07:11:54) joanie: you're silly (07:12:04) joanie: thanks for adding the atk stuff (07:12:10) joanie: and the meego stuff sounds interesting (07:12:22) joanie: time frame? (07:13:14) API: well, yes although it is in a real draft mode, not like the other sections that seems to be written well (07:13:18) API: about the time frame (07:13:37) API: well, im not sure, this is one (07:13:48) API: of the reason I put it on "to be discussed" section (07:13:55) joanie: :-) (07:14:07) joanie: I've not been following the meego situation all that closely (07:14:13) joanie: who all is involved? (07:14:17) API: first, as there is a project to ensure gtk would work on meego (07:14:20) joanie: where are they in the process? (07:14:27) API: a foundation project (07:14:36) API: it should be after that (07:14:40) API: well about involved (07:14:46) API: Nokia and Intel (07:15:11) API: are the main actors (07:15:15) API: Novell is also involved (07:15:23) joanie: do we have a time frame / roadmap /something on the gtk bit? (07:15:29) API: ie: Michael Meeks did some (07:15:46) API: joanie, well the last friday was the deadline to send proposals (07:16:02) joanie: ah (07:16:15) joanie: you have a copy of the rfp? (07:16:32) joanie: I guess what I'm trying to say is: Do we need to look at this in 6 months, a year, what? (07:16:38) joanie: and I know it's just a guess (07:16:49) joanie: but some ballpark number would be nifty if possible (07:17:59) API: hmm (07:18:07) API: I think that the rfp was done on the mailing list (07:18:11) ***API searching (07:19:44) API: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2010-October/msg00001.html (07:19:51) joanie: tyvm (07:19:53) ***joanie looks (07:19:56) API: anyway it just says the requirements (07:20:07) API: and the money (07:20:28) API: so is the one making the proposal the one that will set the timeframe (07:21:32) joanie: okay, so how about this: (07:21:40) joanie: We have to go back to meet with the board anyway (07:22:00) joanie: let's turn "To Be Discussed" into something else like "To Be Scheduled" (or whatever) (07:22:07) joanie: clean up the description (07:22:18) joanie: and when we go back to the Board, we can ask them (07:22:32) API: aha, (07:22:35) joanie: since the Foundation (and Board) are the ones who put out the rfp in the first place (07:22:54) API: or we can just explain that we would prefer to check this task (07:22:58) API: after the other work (07:23:06) API: something like a dependency (07:23:22) joanie: maybe... (07:23:57) joanie: I'm thinking that if meego is all shiny and cool, and someone outside our team is working on its a11y, we might get collateral bug fixes ;-) (07:24:27) joanie: i.e. this isn't something we have time to do ourselves (07:24:53) joanie: but it would be nice to have an accessible solution for mobile devices (07:25:32) API: well yeah, this is the reason I added this to the roadmap (07:25:39) joanie: :-) (07:25:40) API: and about other things (07:25:48) API: I didn't include gnome shell on his own (07:26:00) joanie: that's fine (07:26:03) API: because on the bugfixing (07:26:08) API: project you already mentioned it (07:26:09) joanie: Orca's not included on its own on this roadmap (07:27:51) API: well, you have a link to Orca roadmap (07:28:10) API: that is something more detailed that the current gnome shell accessibility item on his roadmap (07:28:15) joanie: And you added one for gnome shell (07:28:18) joanie: ah (07:28:26) joanie: I wouldn't worry too much (07:28:59) joanie: I'm more concerned about the lack of Caribou details. (07:29:24) joanie: The gnome shell stuff is something that seems to be under control thanks to you (07:31:03) API: anyway in some cases like: (07:31:07) API: mproved and Increased Access to Applications, Toolkits, and Environments (07:31:30) API: this item has several big subitems (07:31:48) API: each subitem could worth a project on his own (07:32:07) joanie: yup (07:32:27) API: and now sure if someone without the context would know that (07:32:27) joanie: is that a good thing or a bad thing? (07:32:43) API: I mean that someone could thing that have the same relevance (07:32:48) API: this item as a whole (07:32:55) API: and the atk item one (07:33:14) joanie: Well the Atk one is big (07:33:32) joanie: because it includes fixing the broken implementations (07:33:40) joanie: plus implementing the new stuff (07:34:24) joanie: I think *for the most part* each heading covers a relatively same-sized set of projects (07:34:36) joanie: but I could be wrong (07:35:14) API: aha, well, probably my brain is totally sleepy (07:35:21) joanie: mine is too (07:35:24) API: but right now I can't think in other task (07:35:29) API: to add to the roadmap (07:35:55) API: at least one that we hadn't mentioned (07:36:01) API: (like caribou) (07:36:29) joanie: I assume eeejay is not around (07:41:39) API: 5 minutes waiting, I don't think so (07:41:52) joanie: lol (07:41:55) joanie: was worth a shot (07:42:11) API: well, anything else about roadmap? (07:42:33) joanie: one minor thing (07:42:46) joanie: I gave some more thought to how to indicate needs (funding) (07:42:51) joanie: and I'm thinking a separate doc (07:43:07) joanie: because this roadmap doesn't include everything the full team is doing (07:43:32) joanie: and rather than expect people to hunt down the info, I'd like to tie it all together (07:43:33) API: a separate doc for what? (07:43:42) joanie: identifying unfunded stuff (07:44:11) joanie: like much of Orca is still unfunded, and not even listed on this roadmap (07:44:32) joanie: And Caribou might be unfunded, but we don't know (07:45:30) API: hmm, if the purpose is declare which is funded and which not (07:45:39) API: why not put it directly on the roadmap? (07:45:54) joanie: because people would have to go to multiple roadmaps (07:46:27) joanie: There's all sorts of stuff, for instance, Orca team is doing that is NOT listed on the full team roadmap, because they are not full team goals (07:47:39) API: ah (07:48:02) API: so the current roadmap are things that it is required to do and unfunded (07:48:24) API: and you want another document with the things that are being done but funded? (07:48:41) joanie: no (07:50:32) ***joanie tries again (07:50:52) joanie: On the orca roadmap we have listed all sorts of things (07:50:54) joanie: some are funded (07:50:56) joanie: some are not (07:51:09) joanie: many of them (regardless of funding status) are NOT on the full team roadmap (07:51:17) joanie: because they are not full team goals (07:51:26) joanie: they only help us in Orca land (07:51:29) joanie: and no one else (07:51:41) joanie: that doesn't mean they don't need doing (07:51:47) joanie: nor does it mean they don't need funding (07:52:04) joanie: simply that I wanted to limit the full team roadmap to full team goals (07:52:22) joanie: like the full team needs and wants all the gnome 3 stuff accessible (07:52:33) joanie: and the full team needs and wants all the bugs in gnome fixed (07:52:39) joanie: and the full team wants more ATs (07:52:42) joanie: like speech recognition (07:52:48) API: so this document would include the items on the other roadmaps not included in the team roadmap? (07:52:53) joanie: yup (07:53:04) joanie: it wouldn't be roadmappy (07:53:16) joanie: it would be a way to identify where funding is needed (07:53:20) joanie: I still need to think abou tit (07:53:42) joanie: maybe each roadmap lists status and then we do a page that pulls together all the unfunded stuff (07:53:50) joanie: I'll give it some more thought (07:54:20) API: ok, probably I would understand it better when I started to read a draft of that (07:54:25) joanie: :-) (07:54:27) joanie: sorry (07:54:30) API: so, again, anything else about roadmap? (07:54:35) joanie: lol nope (07:54:58) API: ok, so lets start miscellaneous time (07:55:14) API: do you really think that a weekly team meeting with just you and me makes sense? (07:55:18) joanie: lol (07:55:43) joanie: Well, I think that you and I talk when we need to talk (07:55:50) joanie: and that other weeks we have more people (07:56:06) mgoprse: No one else here? SOrry--I was kind of dozing off / oblivious to the time (07:56:07) danigm: I don't talk, but I read (07:56:25) joanie: I will say that now that clocks have moved back an hour, this time sucks for me (07:56:36) API: ah danigm please to see you ;) (07:56:44) ***joanie waves to danigm (07:56:51) API: as I made the question "anyone's there" (07:57:02) API: at the beginning without answer (07:57:08) API: I thought that we were alone (07:58:06) API: well, anything else? (07:58:27) joanie: prioritizing hackfests as a topic next week? (07:58:29) API: because I will start to be really busy 9:00 (07:59:53) joanie: well, it's 9:00 (07:59:56) joanie: go be busy (08:00:52) API: well meeting over