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Potential Partners for Funding Requests

European Union Opportunities

From Introduction to EU fundings:

  • The Commission awards money in the form of grants in order to implement projects or activities in relation to European Union policies. Grants are not awarded on a case-by-case basis. Instead, they are subject to annual programming.
  • Before 31 March each year, those Departments of the Commission that manage grant programmes publish their annual work programme on their Internet site. The work programme fixes the broad outlines of the grants that are envisaged over the year (area of activity, objectives, timetable, available budget, award conditions, etc…). By consulting these work programmes you may thus already identify the fields which interest you.

  • Subsequently, the Commission’s Departments publish calls for proposals on their Internet sites; the calls for proposals invite candidates to present, within a given deadline, a proposal for action that corresponds to the objectives pursued and fulfils the required conditions. These calls for proposals can also be published in the Official Journal of the European Union – C series.

Associations of and/or for Persons with Disabilities


  • Handicap International
  • WHO
  • ICEVI International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment

  • ONCE International


  • AGEFIPH (Professional insertion of paople with handicap)
  • APAJH - Association Pour Adultes et Jeunes Handicappés
  • AFM - Association Français contre les Myopathies (Muscular Dystrophy)
  • APF - Association des Paralysés de France
  • MDPH - The network of Maisons Départementale des Personnes Handicappées

  • See Google Directory for more


Accessibility/Marketing/Organizations (last edited 2011-08-25 13:00:47 by JoanmarieDiggs)