GNOME Accessibility Team
3.4 "Nice to Haves"
1. Introduction
This page lists:
the accessibility changes we feel are strongly desired to have in time for the release of GNOME 3.4, but not absolutely essential.
items which we feel can be addressed, if given sufficient resources
Team members should:
- keep existing entries up-to-date
- ensure all entries remain uniform in content and appearance
For those things which are absolutely essential, please see our 3.4 Issues page.
2. A11y Team Modules
2.1. Java ATK Wrapper (JAW)
Key Contacts: Leon
Work Remaining - Updated: 13-October-2011
Eliminate X Conflict
Impact: At least one Java application hangs the GNOME desktop using JAW.
Bug(s): 648152
Next Action: Create the patches for JAW, at-spi and Orbit-2.
Person(s) Responsible: Leon
Other bugs need triaging
3. Other GNOME Modules
3.1. GNOME Shell
Key Contacts: AlejandroPiñeiro, DanWinship
Work Remaining - Updated: 13-October-2011
Implement Accessibility Theming
Impact: Users for whom the sole current gnome-shell theme is insufficient do not have a simple means to adjust the theme to better suit their needs.
Bug(s): 618888
Next Action: To be identified.
Person(s) Responsible: DanWinship
3.2. gnome themes standard
Key Contacts MegFord
Work Remaining - Updated: 19-March-2012
All high contrast bugs closed 3/19/2012 By Cosimo Cecchi
Next Action: new icons will be included in Gnome Icon Theme Symbolic by members of the GNOME Design Team.
- high contrast inverse bugs remain open until new theming is added to generate the set from symbolic.
Person(s) Responsible: MegFord
3.3. Common Magnifier Framework
Key Contacts: JosephS, FernandoHerrera, AlejandroLeiva
Work Remaining - Updated: 27-April-2011
Finalize common API(s) for magnifiers
Impact: Any AT that uses a magnifier need not know which one is available.
Bug(s): None filed at this time.
Next Action: Continue refining the specification (Common Magnifier Framework).
Person(s) Responsible: JosephS, FernandoHerrera, AlejandroLeiva.