GNOME Accessibility Team
Report for the First Quarter 2012
1. Summary
The first quarter was a busy and productive one for the Accessibility Team, culminating in the release of GNOME 3.4, the most accessible GNOME 3 yet:
- Significant attention was paid to GNOME Shell's accessibility with Orca, with many improvements made.
- The new Zoom Options dialog for the Universal Access Panel makes it easy to configure all the features of GNOME Shell Magnifier. In addition, Brightness and Contrast modification effects were added to Clutter.
- Bug fixes and additional changes made in AT-SPI make the desktop much more stable for users of assistive technologies.
Team members also participated in a number of events this quarter:
The second ATK/AT-SPI Hackfest was held from January 18th to 22th at Igalia's offices in A Coruña, Spain. Participants from Red Hat, SUSE, Igalia, Mozilla and Nokia worked face-to-face on improving accessibility for the free desktop, and made excellent progress.
- Presentations were made by team members at FOSDEM and the Northeast GNU/Linux Fest.
Lastly, the Friends of GNOME campaign, which launched in December, got off to a great start. By the end of the first quarter, $12,568 of the $20,000 goal had been raised. The campaign will continue during the second quarter. Many thanks to those who contributed!