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GNOME Accessibility Team

Report for the Second Quarter 2011

by: Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias and Joanmarie Diggs


In May, members from the GNOME Accessibility Team joined other accessibility developers for a five-day ATK/AT-SPI hackfest at Igalia in A Coruña. Unlike the more traditional hackfests, the primary work done was not coding; instead, the group conducted an intensive analysis on the current state of ATK and began the design of what will become ATK 3. Thanks to G.P.U.L, Xunta de Galicia, Mozilla, Igalia, and the GNOME Foundation for making this event possible!

Towards GNOME 3.2

The team continued to address accessibility issues in GNOME 3. In addition to ongoing bug fixing in all of the team's modules:

Outreach Program for Women

The team is quite pleased to have its first intern from the GNOME Outreach Program for Women, Aline Bessa from Brazil. Aline's background in computer science, her interest in accessibility, and her seemingly limitless enthusiasm have proven extremely valuable. She has already contributed a completely new, topic-based documentation for Accerciser and has since progressed to fixing bugs and working on enhancements for this tool. Aline is also making much-needed improvements and additions to the libatspi documentation. Thanks Aline for all your dedication and hard work, and thanks to the Outreach Program organizers and supporters for making it all possible!

Plans for the Third Quarter

In addition to continuing its work towards GNOME 3.2, the team plans to begin implementation of the agreed-upon improvements to ATK and work towards more performant desktop accessibility.

2024-10-23 10:57