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GNOME Accessibility Team

Report for the Third Quarter 2010

1. Summary

Joanmarie Diggs and Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

The Accessibility Team continued improving the user experience with GNOME 2, while at the same preparing for the GNOME 3 release:

Many of these exciting changes -- and quite a few of this quarter's nearly 100 bug fixes -- are the result of the Guadalinfo Accessible Projects of the Junta de Andalucía in Spain, for which the Accessibility Team is extremely appreciative.

When not working on code, the team was busily preparing for October's AEGIS Conference and associated A11y Hackfest in Sevilla.

Going into the fourth quarter, the team plans to focus on GNOME 3.0.

2. Orca

3. GNOME Shell Magnifier

Submitted by Joseph Scheuhammer, 19 October 2010

3.1. In progress

4. WebKitGtk+ A11y

Submitted by Mario Sanchez Prada, 20 Oct 2010

4.1. July & August

4.2. September

4.3. Future

My plans for the incoming months is to keep working on a11y bugs in WebKitGtk+, with the ideal goal of fixing all those bugs blocking Orca support, if possible.

5. Cally and GNOME Shell

Submitted by AlejandroPiñeiro, 20 Oct 2010

6. AT-SPI2

Submitted by Mike Gorse, 21 October 2010

7. dots

Submitted by Fernando Herrera, 31 Oct 2010

Consorcio Fernando de los Rios sponsored this project in the context of Guadalinfo Accessibility project. The Goal was to create a Braille transcriptor program for the GNOME desktop with support for OpenDocument, PDF and html input formats formats that translates into computer Braille representation so you it can be directly send to a Braille printer (embosser). As there was an initial effort to create a Braille translator for GNOME, dots by Eitan Isaacson, this project was defined to improve and extend dots.

7.1. Achievements

7.2. Future

Dots is starting to get new external contributors and interest from other parties, so the development will continue not only in maintenance mode but also adding new features.

8. gnome-mag

Submitted by Fernando Herrera, 31 Oct 2010

GNOME 3 will use by default GNOME Shell UI that includes its own magnification module. However gnome-panel based shell will still be shipped as a legacy UI. For those legacy users gnome-mag is the only magnification option. During this gnome-mag has been ported to GNOME 3:

9. OCRFeeder

Submitted by Joaquim Rocha, 6 Nov 2010

In Q3 the work done in OCRFeeder was mainly a11y related, besides the obvious bug fixing. Igalia worked on these tasks in collaboration with Emergya who had won a grant to improve OCRFeeder's a11y.

The main a11y related tasks done in Q3 were:

10. Evince

Submitted by Lorenzo Gil Sanchez, 7 Nov 2010

Consorcio Fernando de los Rios sponsored this project in the context of Guadalinfo Accessibility project. The Goal was make the main Evince widget acccesible by implementing the AtkText interface. Some work has been done in Evince but most of the work has landed in Poppler, the pdf library Evince uses to read and render PDF documents. The work was done from May to September, 2010.

10.1. Future

After a metting with Joanmarie Diggs, she asked some more a11y features in Evince, specially the caret mode is quite important. Also, if we can read tagged PDFs and use the semantic information found in them we could make Evince much more accesibily by exposing all that information through the appropiate ATK interfaces.

2024-10-23 10:57