Meeting Summary
- Meeting started by Piñeiro at 16:08 CET.
- Meeting ended at 17:01 CET.
- Participants (Lines Said):
- Piñeiro - API (103)
- Joanie - joanie (71)
- Juanjo - jjmarin (12)
- Mike - mgorse(11)
- Javi - jhernandez (8)
Caribou and Mousetrap
- Caribou:
- Several weeks ago Daiki Ueno indicated interest in being the caribou maintainer.
- This week we were talking with Eitan, and he sees that as a good idea and said that he will send a mail to Daiki soon.
- On a related note, it seems that Daiki lives in Japan. This is something to take into account when pinging him.
- ACTION: Piñeiro will be sure that Daiki gets notified about Caribou maintainership and provide hints if needed regarding releases.
- Mousetrap:
- There is a new NSF-funded program called FOSS2SERVE.
- This program is designed to get profs more comfortable with and actively teaching free software with a humanitarian focus in university CS courses.
- The program is a collaboration between Western New England University (Heidi), Drexel University, and Nassau Community College.
- As part of this, and as part of Joanie's idea to do an outreach program for professors, we are giving Mousetrap to them as a module.
- The students are beginning work on making Mousetrap GNOME 3 compatible.
- And Piñeiro and Joanie will be more or less mentoring the professors on being module maintainers -- and doing so according to GNOME practice.
- If, for some reason, nothing becomes of this, we lose nothing.
- And we stand to gain more contributors and getting Mousetrap back into shape and ultimately accepted as a proper module and AT.
- We may or may not see students in #a11y. Currently they are going to use #mousetrap.
But if any students (or professors) show up asking questions about Mousetrap, this is why.
And please help them.
Python 3 (Are we there yet?)
- Accerciser:
- There were a few bugs regarding the new Python 3 Accerciser code.
- Joanie reported bugs and provided patches.
- All patches have been reviwed and merged into master.
- So Accerciser 3.7.4 seems to be the definitive-and-working Python 3 release.
- Piñeiro tried to do a Python 3 build of the gnome stack by setting os.environ['PYTHON'] = 'python3.3' in his .jhbuildrc
- Some relevant modules are still not ported, specific example: gobject-introspection.
- Talking with Colin Walters, it seems that he doesn't plan to fix that soon, but that patches are welcome.
Current Python 3 porting table:
- Piñeiro mentioned this because he fears that 3.8 will be still a python mixed release, so it seems that as usual, we did our homework before a lot of people.
- The pyatspi example is not Python3-ready yet. Mike will remove it from the distribution for now.
GNOME 3.8 Update
- This week (w3) was a GNOME release week, specifically 3.7.4.
- ATK added new API, versioning tools so apps/libraries could get the ATK version being used.
W3C Update
- (None as Joseph was not present)
- Juanjo is still working in a accessibility (Spanish) article for gnome hispano.
- ACTION: Juanjo will send the article for GNOME Hispano to Piñeiro for review.
Miscellaneous Time
- For the record, Joanie thinks Comcast sucks.
Action Items
- Piñeiro:
- Be sure that Daiki gets notified about Caribou maintainership and provide hints if needed regarding releases.
- Juanjo:
- Send the article for GNOME Hispano to Piñeiro for review.
Ongoing / Rolled-Over
- Joanie:
- Do a full evaluation of the accessibility breakage in Evolution 3.6 and file bugs accordingly.
- Juanjo:
- Take a look at the current a11y material in order to make an action plan.
- Piñeiro:
- Create some usability-configurability related bugs, using Bryen's mail as a starting point.
- Investigate that "Enable by Keyboard" thing.
Update the AtkObject:children-changed documentation, as this could be also used on ATK implementors.