Meeting Summary
- Meeting started by joanie at 16:07:07 CET.
- Meeting ended at 16:34:05 CET.
- Participants (Lines Said):
- Joanie - joanie (67)
- Ale - aleiva (6)
- Fer - aleiva (6)
- Mike - mgorse (6)
- Heidi - heidi (1)
GNOME 3.6 - pyatspi2 deprecation?
- We can now use at-spi2 via gobject introspection.
- It seems to Joanie that there is not, therefore, a need to also maintain pyatspi2.
- Joanie is going to try migrating Orca to at-spi2 via introspection.
- What do people think about deprecating pyatspi2, giving people a year (tops) to convert, and then stop maintaining it?
- Mike will need to test whether interfaces still cause problems in terms of function names conflicting (ie, *_get_attributes functions) and, if so, if something can be done about it.
- No one seems to be opposed to the tentative deprecation of pyatspi2.
- Next steps: Wait for Mike to look into the potential issue he raised.
- Mike believes he will have an preliminary answer by next meeting, so we will table this discussion for one week.
GNOME 3.6 - Python 3
GNOME seems to want us to migrate to Python 3 (though it's not an official GnomeGoal yet).
Canonical is targetting their next stable release as only Python 3 -- at least in terms of the live media -- as far as Joanie understands it.
- Therefore, we kinda sorta need to do this.
- Mike has begun (and might be finished??) with the work in pyatspi.
- Joanie has been working on this for Orca.
- Liblouis has a prelimary version committed.
- Speechd has a patch attached to a bug.
- brlapi's project lead thinks he can do this soon.
- Our team will target GNOME 3.6 for being migrated to Python 3.
Marketing and Fundraising
- Juanjo could not make it to today's meeting and has no updates.
- Please please please add your input to the Open Help Conference page
Miscellaneous Time
- (nothing entered into the minutes)
Action Items
- None
Ongoing / Rolled-Over
- Team members with knowledge of/access to the requested figures regarding users with disabilities should provide them.
- Brian:
- Send a mail summarizing his proposal regarding a testing-centered design.
- Announce his Mago tests on the gnome-accessibility-devel list, and also create a README and INSTALL.
- Joanie
- update the 3.4 team planning pages for 3.6
- do a full evaluation of the accessibility breakage in Evolution 3.4 and file bugs accordingly.
- Joseph:
- Joseph to email Jan and Peter about statistics regarding users with disabilities.
Explore the JavaScript Atspi import further to see how much is available.
- Juanjo:
- Contact Bryen about the OLF a11y booth.
- Mike:
- Add the keyword 'accessibility' to gnome core module bugs he's filed (e.g. evolution and nautilus) which are still open.
- File a bug regarding GAIL treeview children / children-changed signals, attach a patch, and call for testers.
- Modify libatspi to fill in the index when possible (ie, when it has the child cached, which it will not for trees with MANAGES_DESCENDANTS for instance)
- Piñeiro:
Update the AtkObject:children-changed documentation, as this could be also used on ATK implementors.