Meeting Summary
- Meeting started by Piñeiro at 14:35:51 UTC.
- Meeting ended at 15:29:00 UTC.
- Participants (Lines Said):
- Piñeiro - API (88)
- Joanie - joanie (61)
- Joseph - clown (30)
- Juanjo - jjmarin (25)
- Mike - mgorse (11)
- Ale - aleiva (2)
- Javi - jhernandez (1)
- Aline - alibezz (1)
GNOME 3.4 Feature Proposal Status
- Piñeiro sent all the feature proposals last week.
- The thread with the most discussion is the one related to eviacam. It is unlikely to be accepted. Main concerns: wxwidgets and
- integration.
- There are some concerns with respect to Dasher as well, in relation with overview (so also integration).
- In the end Piñeiro categorized the features: some ready to be integrated as core, others just suggested to be included on GNOME ecosystem, as inkscape.
- With respect to the zoom options control panel:
- Bastien has requested some changes to the UI for the dialog and has invited him to post screen shots and discuss with him in #gnome-design.
- Joseph has been making these changes and hopes to meet up with him (irc) later today.
- With respect to focus/caret tracking:
- The only question (from Matthias) was if this was specific to the magnifier, or could it be used by the onscreen keyboard.
- Joseph replied that it could be used by anyone, but the first consumer would be the magnifier, most likely.
- With respect to Dots:
- There was only one person with questions about Dots (Matthias). He was seeking clarification about how Dots works, rather than expressing concerns.
- Joanie answered his questions and is hopeful Dots will be accepted.
- The Release team is organizing a meeting (day not confirmed yet). Piñeiro thinks that it is probable GNOME 3.4 features would be part of the agenda.
Marketing and Fundraising
- The Foundation and the marketing team is committed to set an a11y FoG Campaign.
- The intent is to start the campaign running in December, or before, for the Christmas time (gift-giving and so on).
- We finally agreed that it will more practical not to set very concrete goals, like contracts because contracts/bids need to go through the process of being accepted by the Foundation Board.
- The marketing team is waiting for our a11y FoG goal.
- ACTION: Juanjo will write the FoG goal with the help of the a11y team.
ACTION: Joanie will review the present roadmap, taking into account FoG and the work that has already been completed. She will begin drafting a new roadmap for the upcoming two years.
Hackfest Update
- We are still waiting for Ryan's answers to Piñeiro's questions.
- ACTION: Piñeiro will contact him Ryan directly.
- For the moment the current plan in action is Brno.
- Igalia offices are still available if this plan fails.
- Given that there are likely to be other groups meeting in Brno, Joanie has suggested that it might be worth having a Brno Summit (Boston Summit style)
- These suggestions were made casually and in informal conversations.
- It is up to the Board to decide if pursuing this event is worth doing.
- Given the *possibility* of this occurring, however, team members interested in attending a larger GNOME event in February should be on the lookout for announcements regarding this possibility.
Team Quarterly Reports (Q3)
Reminder, write the Q3 Team Quarterly Reports.
Miscellaneous Time
- (crickets)
Action Items
- Joanie:
- review the present roadmap, taking into account FoG and the work that has already been completed. She will begin drafting a new roadmap for the upcoming two years.
- Juanjo:
- write the FoG goal with the help of the a11y team
- Piñeiro:
- Contact Ryan with his questions regarding the suggested Brno hackfest.
Ongoing / Rolled-Over
- Team:
- If you want something funded as part of the proposed FoG campaign for a11y, get your proposals to Juanjo.
- Provide information to Juanjo about assistive/alternative hardware types which GNOME supports.
- Comment on the mailing list thread with their thoughts on the Collection interface(s)
- Start to think about what we should propose for new accessibility-related features.
- Brian:
- Send a mail summarizing his proposal regarding a testing-centered design.
- Announce his Mago tests on the gnome-accessibility-devel list, and also create a README and INSTALL.
- Joanie:
- Check with Piñeiro to see if remote attending of the proposed ATK/AT-SPI hackfest is a possibility.
assemble a list of all the bugs in other people's modules, including this GtkScale one assuming it's not yet fixed.
- Joseph:
Explore the JavaScript Atspi import further to see how much is available.
- Juanjo:
- test a11y on wxwidgets
Work on the planning of the a11y FoG campaign
- Mike:
- File a bug regarding GAIL treeview children / children-changed signals, attach a patch, and call for testers.
- Modify libatspi to fill in the index when possible (ie, when it has the child cached, which it will not for trees with MANAGES_DESCENDANTS for instance)
- Piñeiro:
Update the AtkObject:children-changed documentation, as this could be also used on ATK implementors
Keep talking with the WebKitGtk hackfest organizers about a concurrent ATK/AT-SPI hackfest, and reach a conclusion.
- Send a reminder to a11y list about submitting information for the next quarterly report.