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A11y hackfest

GNOME Accessibility Team Dinner

This is a dinner for the GNOME A11y developers and the people involved in the project. Any GNOME and A11y lover is more than welcome :-)


We meet at the Hotel Tryp Macarena's lobby and then we go together to the Alameda de Hércules where is the place for the dinner.


We meet at 20:00 so (hopefully) we will be having a dinner around 20:30. Please, don't be late because the group will be hungry waiting for you....


We need to know how many people is coming so, please, put your name if you are comming:


Some people are been asking about the sponsoring of the dinner but this dinner is not sponsored, so we all go for having a good time and food together and then each one pay his/her bill. ;-)

2024-10-23 10:57