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A11y hackfest

AEGIS 2010 Hackfest Schedule (Detailed)

(Please feel free to add details, agendas, etc. for any area in which you are the 'point person')

Sunday, 3 Oct

Monday, 4 Oct: Testing and Module Updates

Tuesday, 5 Oct: Documentation Day!

Help create better user help for accessibility features in GNOME. We will focus on topic-oriented help, rather than large manuals. The documentation team has a very difficult time planning and writing good accessibility help, because they are not familiar with the tools and the needs of users. Rough schedule:

Wednesday, 6 Oct

Thursday, 7 Oct: Free-form Unconference

Friday, 8 Oct: Free-form Unconference

Saturday, 9 Oct: Hackfest Wrap-up

2024-10-23 10:57