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This section specifies the accessibility information and behavior which should be exposed for common UI components for use by assistive technologies on the Gnome desktop.

All components should implement AtkComponent, AtkObject, AtkStateSet, and AtkRelationSet. Each section below identifies additional ATK properties, behaviors, events, sources of accessible information, interfaces and methods, and relations which should be implemented for common components in menus and dialogs as well as in documents.

All components can potentially set the following general ATK states: DEFUNCT, FOCUSED, SHOWING, VISIBLE, FOCUSABLE, SENSITIVE, and ENABLED.

Unless otherwise stated, refer to the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines under the Keyboard Interaction section for information about the standard keys for navigation (access keys indicated by underlined letters, shortcut keys, and ordered navigation) and interaction with the components.

General Notes:

  1. An alternative to using the FLOWS_FROM and FLOWS_TO relation to identify a taborder different than document order (e.g. the use of tabindex attributes for interactive HTML controls and links) is to use object attributes. <Need to discuss this.>

<Add list of links (list of components) like a table of contents to go to each section>

Checkbox or Toggle Button

A checkbox, which can be selected (checked or toggled) to enable or disable one or more features or options from a set, usually contains a small box with adjoining text and can be found in dialog boxes or forms in a document. When selected, the box displays a check mark.

A toggle button looks like a push button, but it shows or changes a state rather than initiates an action. It's two states, set and unset, are indicated with a "pushed in" or "popped out" appearance, respectively.

Source of accessible name: Obtained from the checkbox or toggle button text.


Source for description: Tooltip text for the checkbox or toggle button, if it exists.

Possible supported states:


Source of value: None.

Common relations:


Special additional interfaces and methods:


A small, rectangular object used to perform an action when activated. For example, the OK and Cancel buttons on a dialog box are push buttons.

Source of accessible name: Obtained from the button text, unless the button has an image instead of text. Then an alternative accessible name needs to be provided by the author. Example: "OK" is the accessible name for an OK pushbutton.

Role: ATK_ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON (or maybe ATK_ROLE_DEFAULT_BUTTON if the button is the default button for the dialog)

Source for description: Tooltip text for the pushbutton, if it exists.

Possible supported states:


Source of value: None.

Common relations:


Special additional interfaces and methods:

Radio button

Radio buttons are used to select one of several options within a group of objects, of which only one can be on at a time. When you select one button, all the others in the group are automatically deselected. A radio button contains a small circle with text next to it. When selected, the circle has a smaller, filled circle inside it.

Source of accessible name: Obtained from the radio button text, unless the button has an image instead of text. Then an alternative accessible name needs to be provided by the author. Example: "Yes" is the accessible name for a radio button that has the text string "Yes" as its label.


Source for description: Tooltip text for the radio button, if it exists.

Possible supported states:


Source of value: None.

Common relations:


Special additional interfaces and methods:

Label or Static Text

Static text controls display text in dialog boxes and other windows, and often serve as labels for other controls. A label presents text that provides a short name or description associated with another object, like a text entry field. An accelerator label indicates the keyboard accelerators for its parent, like a menu item.

Source of accessible name: Obtained from the label or static text control.

<Is ATK_ROLE_ACCELERATOR_LABEL the right way to expose accelerators? Underlined access keys are showing up as the key bindings for menus in accerciser. So how should these accelerator (shortcut) keys be exposed?>

Source for description: None

Possible supported states: None. Note: ATK_STATE_MULTI_LINE and ATK_STATE_SINGLE_LINE should only be used for editable text.

Actions: None

Source of value: None.

Common relations:

Events: None

Special additional interfaces and methods:

Combo box

A combo box has the following components:

Source of accessible name:


Source for description: Tooltip text for the parent combo box object, if it exists. None for all the child objects. <True?>

Possible supported states:


Source of value: None.

Common relations:


Special additional interfaces and methods:

List box

<Need to try to create a list box in Glade to to do this section.>

A list box displays a list from which a user can select one or more items. A list box may have a vertical scroll bar, a horizontal control bar, or both.

Source of accessible name:


Source for description: Tooltip text for the list box, if it exists. None for the list items. <True?>

Possible supported states:


Source of value: None.

Common relations:


Special additional interfaces and methods:

2024-10-23 10:57