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PDF Mod is a simple application for modifying PDF documents.

You can reorder, rotate, and remove pages, export images from a document, edit the title, subject, author, and keywords, and combine documents via drag and drop.

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pdfmod-0.9.1.png pdfmod-0.4-dnd-insert.png


PDF Mod is built on top of Poppler (for rendering), PDFsharp (for manipulating/saving), Mono, Gtk#, Cairo, and Banshee's Hyena library. All told it is about 2,600 lines of C#. 15 developers have contributed to the project. It includes full user-documentation and has been translated into 26 languages by 39 translators.


Attic/PdfMod (last edited 2019-01-12 22:55:50 by AndreKlapper)